~ december 2014 ~

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Crap ending and a really long chapter but I feel this is lost special. Watch out for a Christmas chapter for the current 2023 year too. Definitely worth a read. Some people do get confused reading this but if you do, just dm me and I'll explain. Love you guys. Thanks so much for the support xo

Brittany POV
"Hey mum, just ringing to wish you a merry Christmas. Hope you and dad are having a great time. Trev and I'll make sure to pick you up tomorrow night at the airport. Love you" I say to the answering machine. Mum and dad are staying in Australia this Christmas meaning we won't be able to see them. They're coming back tomorrow so hopefully we will see them then. They're probably organising their flight home right now which was a bit of a shame we couldn't speak to them but it's only tomorrow!

I jump out of my bed, eager to start today- one of my favourite days of the year. Honestly such a happy time spent with some amazing people.
"SAM! Wake up!" I say loud in her ear to get her to wake up. She's not a morning person.
"Mmmm ughhh Britt. What's wrong?"
"It's Christmas babe! Let's go. Open presents. Watch elf! Like we always do. Come onnnnnn. I'll make you some hot cocoa!!" I say enthusiastically, completely opposite as to what Sam is feeling.
"Ahhhh okay chirpy" she replies and I giggle, running out of the room feeling like a complete kid again, running on top of my parents at 7am and then waiting and waiting for them to get up. I'll feel it only once I become a mum. And only then will I understand...

I make our drinks and turn the movie on as Sam comes in in her dressing gown and we start exchanging presents.
"This feels so different without mom and dad here" she says and I nod, unwrapping one of her gifts. We decided we'd only open the ones from each other now. The cast are coming round to mine for a Christmas lunch, Trevor's supposed to come in about an hour to help me set up and I think Sam is going to Dylan's for lunch.
"Yeah. It doesn't feel right. No video taping, Christmas music. Only each other" I say smiling at her. This is my second year with a Christmas without being in my old family house. It's definitely weird still especially cause I'm still adjusting to becoming an adult but at least I have my sister. And I'm not alone.
"I know right!! I miss the matching sweaters we used to wear. But god forbid I will never ever let my kids wear them when they're older!!" She says and I laugh
"Neither will I! They're so itchy" I say chuckling
"Oh Sam! It's gorgeous" I say opening the small box my sister gave me. It's a bracelet with a message on the front of the chain saying "sisters chance, friends by choice. S xx" and I nearly start tearing up.
"Thank you" I whisper as I give her a hug.
"Anytime" she replies as we both grin.

"Heyyyyyy" I say opening the door to my boyfriend as he lifts me up and twirls me round
"Merry Christmas." He whispers in my ear as we go in for a kiss
"Merry Christmas" I say back and he smiles.
"Don't you look incredible" he says and I blush a little looking down at my outfit

 "Don't you look incredible" he says and I blush a little looking down at my outfit

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"Thankyou. You don't look too bad yourself" he grins
"I think I look amazing" I huff
"Too bad, Trev. I said too bad" he just laughs.
"Just come inside" I say chuckling
"Wow. You really set this up real nicely" he says and I smile
"Christmas is a big occasion for our family. Even though half of them aren't here. We always do big decor" he smiles, pulling me in for a hug
"You're okay about that right?" He asks softly "We'll see them tomorrow okay?" He says kindly and I nod
"I know" I reply kissing him. He's so sweet.
"So. What can I help with?" I laugh
"Can you cook tur... Nope not taking that risk.... Make the cranberry sauce!" I say and he chuckles
"You don't think I could take on the turkey do you?" He laughs and I cheekily smile
"Uhhh...well..." I start but he shuts me off
"Babe. You have no idea"
"BRITTANY!" My sister calls out
"DO NOT LET TREVOR COOK THE TURKEY!" She says and I laugh as Trevor looks flabbergasted in a funny way though.
"WHY NOT?" I reply
"YEAH MERRY CHRISTMAS SAM" Trevor says and I laugh and so does she
"AND SO AM I. CAUSE I CAN COOK. DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT" he says smirking at me as we wait my sisters reply. This time she actually makes an effort to come into the kitchen as she is now fully prepared for the day.
"Okay then. But if you burn down my kitchen..."
"I promise I won't. You'll actually be surprised when the finished product turns out to be pure heaven" he says as he puts the stove on to heat up ready for the vegetables. At least he's done one thing right. Won't last though.
"Too bad I won't be here" she smirks and I laugh as Trevor pouts
"Too bad, I'll save leftovers" he fights back as Sam sticks her tongue out. I find it really cute that they have this bond, it's so much easier for me as I know they both are there to support. It's really nice.
"Oooo very mature" he says but she just giggles
"I'll see you tomorrow k? Have a good day"
"You too."
"Oh and be safe tonight. Please." Trevor drops the spoon he's holding and turns to look at Sam seriously
"what? What do you mean?"
"Don't want to be an Aunty yet" she chuckles
"Oh don't worry" Trev says all call as I swear I'm blushing crazily. Totally different ways of handling embarrassment
"We'll have loads of fun. And will be safe. Plus it's Christmas! You be safe too huh?!" Trev says and I laugh as she rolls her eyes.
"I'll see you two tomorrow when we pick up mum and dad from the airport. Love you" she says giving me a hug
"Don't love you" she says to Trevor before waking out
"Don't love you too!!" He relies before we hear a door shut.
"Wow. She's a handful. I have no idea how you deal with her"
"Yes I know she's your sister but she really needs to be more nicer to people these days."
"I think she needs to have a break. I'm glad she's gone"
"What Brittany???"
"There's a fire...behind you... and now there's flames...quickly! Get water don't just stand there!"

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