Unexpected News

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Casey's Pov ~

I woke up next to Gabby. With my arms wrapped around her in a very protected way. Thinking of one very important thought and that is her. As I lay there she starts to wake up.

"Good morning sleepy head."

"Morning Matt."

As she says that I give her a good morning kiss.

"We have to head back home today

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"We have to head back home today."

"Why do we have to go home today?"

"Um because we have work tommorow."

"OK so we don't have to leave until like 3 or 4 and what time is it now ("10:47 am.") so do you want to swim for about an hour and each lunch and then start packing to leave?"

"It sounds like a plan." I say while getting up. As I get up I kiss Gabby while pulling her out of bed."

I go get ready into my bathing suit. Gabby does the same when we get done I walk to Kelly's bedroom. "Kelly you guys going swimming with us?"

"Yeah one minute he shouted."

Kelly's Pov ~

"Well what are gonna do." I say as Sylvie holds a positive pregnancy test in her hand.

"Well nothing right now were gonna go swimming." Sylvie gets up and changes into her bathing suit as I sit on the bed.

"Are you sure, shouldn't we talk about this?"

"We can talk later Kelly right now your gonna get changed into you bathing suit."

I get up and walk towards the suit case and grab my bathing suit. I change from my pajama's to my black and red bathing suit.

 I change from my pajama's to my black and red bathing suit

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Sylvie's Pov~

I walk out side trying to forget the news I just found out. What do I do now?

Gabby's Pov~
Later that day ~
"Hey can you turn into the gas station I feel hungry?"

"Yeah." Casey pulled into the gas station parking lot. I got out and headed towards the gas station door. All of a sudden someone from behind me cover my mouth and but a blind fold over my eyes. Pushing me into there car all I could hear was "Gabby! Let go of her. Leave her alone you can take me instead." As soon as he said that the side door opened and someone else was pushed into the car. " Matt? Is that you?" "Gabby were going to be fine. I love you." Casey said with hesitant in his voice.

Unknown Person ~
"You got the girl?"

"Yeah but we have a problem I had to get Casey to."

Wait how did he know Casey's name
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