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He has a passion for baseball...

    Lucas hitting a baseball on a bat....

    She has a passion for dancing...

    Riley landing a jump and doing the splits....

    Their worlds have been separate...

    Lucas and Riley walking down the hallway, glancing past each other, not acknowledging each other...

    Then their worlds are forced together....

    "You will be sharing the gym for practices," Mr. Smith told Lucas and Riley...

    And they collide with a crash....

    "Go twirl and spin somewhere else, can't you?!" Lucas shouted.

    "Go hit your balls somewhere else!" Riley yelled back.

    And it's when everything counts....

    "There will be scouts everywhere," Coach Martin told his team...

    "Your dancing now determines what University you go to!" Mrs. Shepard told her group...

    And everything is going wrong...

    Riley jumping and landing with a crash...

    Lucas can barely see anything on the field...

    They blame each other...

    "Why can't you just leave me alone?!" Lucas shouted.

    "Because you're always in my face!" Riley screamed back...

    And then Lucas finds out a secret about Riley...

    "You've got to be kidding me, right?" Lucas asked the dancer with a skeptical look on his face.

    "No, it's hers," the dancer answered with a smirk...

    When he confronts her, things get even worse...

    "Who told you?" Riley asked with a tight expression.

    "Are you telling me it's true?" Lucas asked.

    "What does it matter to you?" Riley hissed and slammed the door.

    Will it bring them together...?

    Lucas and Riley hugging outside of Abigail Adams High School.

    Or tear them apart...

    "I can't believe I trusted you!" Riley cried, tears streaming down her face.

    "Riley, it wasn't me!" Lucas cried out.

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