Chapter Eight

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Practice the following afternoon didn't go so well. The girls were hot and bothered, and so were the boys, and neither of the couches were there. Halfway through, both Lucas and Riley realized that hardly anyone was paying any attention and they called a break. Everyone was glad and they all swarmed to the stands, talking taking over right away. Riley sighed and mopped her head with a wet towel. Lucas rolled his eyes and made his way over to her with reluctance.

"Hey," Lucas muttered. Riley barely looked at him. His eyes hardened. "Okay, be like that then!" he snapped. "We need more room, we need the whole court. So you guys are going to have to spin and twirl somewhere else!" he yelled, his voice risen.

"Got hit your balls somewhere else!" she yelled back.

"In case you haven't realized yet, this is a gym! This is where all the sports are meant to be!" he snapped at her.

"And in case you haven't realized, I don't want to be here, we got put her," she snapped and spun on her heel. Lucas felt like shouting something after, but refrained. Kennedy Sorenson, the dancer he had spoken to the other day, watched them with interest. On the other side of the court were a couple of cheerleaders, including Missy, whose house the party had been at. Missy smiled as Riley stomped away to the toilets.

Once practice resumed, things didn't get better. Riley jumped and landed with a crash. Lucas couldn't see anything on the field. This happened several times and they both groaned in exasperation. By the time they had finished practice, everyone was ready to leave. Lucas and Riley were the only ones left in the gym. Riley looked up as she picked up her bag and locked eyes with Lucas. She sighed and looked away, walking towards the door. Lucas watched her, licking his lips as he watched the way she walked. Her hips swayed from side-to-side and her hair swung. Lucas shook his head quickly and ran over to her, meeting her in the empty hallway. She looked up at him in surprise.

"What?" Riley asked in a tired voice.

"I want to call a truce," Lucas quickly said. Riley raised an eyebrow but shrugged.

"Okay, why?"

"Because..." Lucas looked uncomfortable. "Because..." Riley's dark eyes watched him as he stuttered. "Because I like you!" he blurted out. Riley's eyes sharpened and she looked at him carefully. "When we were at the pool, all I wanted to do was kiss you. Yesterday, I wanted to do anything to make you feel better. Now...I like you, okay?!" Riley's eyes softened momentarily and then she shook her head and her eyes hardened again as she stalked off. Lucas frowned in confusion and ran after her. "What?! What did I say wrong?!" he yelled, catching up with her again.

"I'm not doing this!" she snapped angrily.

"Doing what?" he asked.

"What every other girl does—gives herself up so easily to you! You're just saying that because you want to sleep with me!" she yelled at him, stopping and facing him. He shook his head.

"No, I don't! I mean, I do, but...that's not why I'm saying it!" he cried. "I'm saying it because it's true!"

"Uh, yeah, right," she scoffed. "And what proves I can trust you?" He frowned slightly.

"Well...I haven't told anyone about Alice," he said.

"You found out yesterday afternoon!" she cried. Lucas sighed.

"Riley, I'm being honest with you here! Cut me some slack!" he sighed. Riley sighed and tilted her head to one side. Lucas took a cautious step forward and put his hands on her shoulders. Their eyes connected and Riley felt tingles all over her body. His face got closer to hers until she could feel his breath on her lips. At the last moment, though, she pulled back. Lucas sighed and took his hands off her shoulders. "Okay..." Riley looked at him before walking away. Lucas sighed and leaned against the wall.

Unbeknownst to them, Ava and Missy had been watching. Ava frowned. They hadn't heard what was going on, but it was obvious by their actions—they had almost kissed, for crying out loud. Missy crossed her arms in a huff.

"How come the tramp gets him?" she muttered angrily. Ava raised her eyebrows.

"How's Riley the tramp? She's hardly been out with anyone," Ava stated. Missy scoffed.

"You know that girl she brings to practice?" Missy asked, and Ava nodded. "That's her daughter." Ava's eyes widened and she looked across to where Lucas was looked being after by Riley, a cruel smile spreading over her face.

The next morning, Riley walked into school with Smackle and Maya. They talked and laughed as they made their way over to their lockers, but something was different. People looked over at them strangely and then spoke quietly to their friends. Riley frowned as she realized this. Shrugging, she opened her locker and pulled her books out. As she turned around, a wide-eyed Sarah sprinted over, panting. Riley and Smackle laughed and shook their heads.

"What's the rush, Sare?" Maya laughed, but Sarah's face remained panic.

"They know!" she gasped. Riley raised her eyebrows.

"Know what?" she asked.

"About Alice," Sarah cried. Several more people walked past and looked at them strangely. Riley bit her lower lip as she slowly came to grips with it, a strange look crossing her face. "Everyone knows!" Riley went pale and leaned against her locker, hot and cold rushing over her quickly and a sick feeling entering the pit of her stomach. Maya frowned and touched her friend's shoulder.

"Riles, you okay?" she asked, but her voice sounded hazy to Riley.

"Maya! Everyone knows about her and Alice. Of course she's not okay..." The rest of what Smackle was saying faded off as Riley slumped against her lockers unconscious.

"Ms. Matthews...? Ms. Matthews...wake up," someone was saying. Riley's eyes fluttered open as the school nurse shook her shoulder lightly. "Oh thank goodness. You passed out, your friends brought you here." Riley nodded slowly, and then the events all raced back. She laid back down, taking everything in and took deep, urgent breaths. "Are you okay?" the nurse asked, frowning. Riley nodded, but hot tears sprung to her eyes. The nurse frowned and patted her shoulders. "It's okay..." she said before turning around and walking off. Riley shook her head as the sick feeling entered her stomach once again.

Everything was not okay.

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