Chapter Two

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A/N: I made some major editing changes to the first chapter, so read that first thing before you read this update.

The girls piled into their first class, taking their seats at the back of the room beside the window. Maya immediately pulled out her mirror and started redoing her mascara, whereas Smackle and Riley started checking over their Geometry homework. Sarah Carpenter came over and sat next to them quietly. Riley grinned and leaned her elbow on her desk.

"Hey Sarah, got a song to go with our routine yet?" Sarah tilted her head from side-to-side before nodding slightly.

"Kind of, but you might need to change a few moves," Sarah replied. "It's by Gabrielle Aplin Start of Time." Riley raised her eyebrows quizzically.

"You think it'd suit that song?" Riley asked, sounding slightly confused. But Sarah had warmed up to the idea and nodded.

"Yes, we have to—"

"Ms. Matthews!" Mrs. Holt called from the front of the room. Riley looked up in surprise. "You are to report to the principal at once, gather your things, and quickly go." Riley frowned slightly and picked up her things, moving to the front of the class to collect her hall pass. Mrs. Holt laughed at her expression. "Don't worry, honey, it's something about your dancing."

"Oh, thanks," Riley smiled quickly. Riley took her hall pass and walked down the hallway. As she stood outside the principal's office, she realized she had forgotten to get her dancing bad. She turned around to go back, and slammed into a tall, blonde boy. It was the same one who stopped outside the studio door last night. "Oh, sor—"Riley began.

"Watch it," the boy grumbled. Riley frowned at him and sneered back. Riley was about to snap something when the door opened and Principal Smith ushered them in. They sat on the two chairs facing his desk, keeping as far away on their seats as possible from each other. Principal Smith didn't to pick up on the discomfort and gave them both warm smiles.

"First, I want to say how proud I am of both of you—you and your separate teams—and how far you have come. Lucas, with your team in the championships, and Riley, with your team making it to nationals," he began. "But there is a slight problem." He frowned and clasped his hands in front of him. "As you know, we do not own the studio you and your girls practice in, Riley," he nodded at her and she nodded back. "And that we hire it. Well, there has been a leak in one of the other rooms, and they would like the studio for yoga." Riley frowned and Principal Smith quickly rushed on. "It will only be for several weeks—a month at the most. But until will be sharing the gym for practices," Principal Smith told Riley and Lucas.

"But sir, we need the whole gym for practices!"

"And we need the power connection for the radio!"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Principal Smith quickly raised his hands and they both quieted down...after shooting death glares at each other. "Lucas, I'm sure you can use half the gym for one of your practices, since there is only one time when you are practicing at the same time...unless there have been changes made to your schedule now that you are dancing at practices, Ms. Matthews." Riley bit her lip as she realized what she had gotten herself into.

"We will be practicing extra. The days will vary, but will probably be Mondays and Wednesdays, as well as other times," Riley answered. Principal Smith consulted his agenda and nodded.

"Alright, your times collide twice then, but that's not too bad," he told them. The bell outside rang, indicating second period was about to begin. "Well, I better not hold you two up any longer," Principal Smith said, raising from his seat and smiling at them. They both nodded and left the room.

"Power connection," Lucas snorted under his breath; Riley frowned at him.

"Excuse me?" she said pointedly, stepping in front of him, forcing him to look at her.

"What? You guys aren't good enough to dance without music?" Lucas mocked. Riley glared at him.

"It's easier to dance with the music—although I don't expect you to understand! You probably couldn't get your sweaty, sneaker-clad to do any dancing—to music or without it!" Riley growled. She spun on her heel and stalked off, seething. Lucas rolled his eyes and walked down the opposite corridor.

"Hey, Riles!" Maya called from the other side of the ASL room. "I got your dancing kit!" Riley managed a tight smile as she sat down next to Maya. Smackle and Sarah didn't have ASL the same time as them, so it was only Maya, Riley, and Maya's personal assistant, Yogi Jabonero, sitting at the back of the class. "What did Principal Smith want to see you about?" Maya asked. Riley groaned and dropped her head in her hands. "Oh, come on, it can't be that bad!"

"It is!" Riley moaned. "We have to share the gym for the baseball team for practice." Maya let out a squeal and earned a glare from Ms. Pipin.

"I told you it wasn't that bad! The baseball team! We get to watch the baseball team practice and get sweaty and take off their shirts..." Maya trailed off with a dreamy look on her face. Riley and Yogi exchanged looks and raised their eyebrows at the blonde.

"Uh, no, we have to practice not ogle at boys, or, in your case, Zay Babineaux," Riley muttered. Maya frowned and crossed her arms in a puff.

"There's no need to spoil the fun, party-pooper," Maya muttered.

"Yo, Lucas!" Farkle asked when Lucas took a seat next to him. "What was that all about?"

"Smith says we have to share the gym with the dancing team," Lucas replied. Zay leaned over from his table.

"Awesome—have you seen the chicks on the dancing team? They're hotter than the cheerleaders," Zay answered.

"Yeah, especially that Matthews chick," Charlie Gardner stated from behind them. Farkle nodded.

"Totally, dude," Farkle held up his hand and they hit a high-five.

"No way, she is so up herself!" Lucas snapped, Farkle, Charlie, and Zay raised their eyebrows. "She put up this argument how they couldn't practice without music playing." Farkle raised his eyebrows.

"Um, yeah dude? She's right," Farkle replied, shaking his head.

"But the way she said it," Lucas grumbled. "And the way she walks." Zay let out a whistle.

"You've been looking at the way she walks?" he asks. Farkle, Charlie, and he laughed as Lucas's eyes widened.

"No—not like that!" he yelped.

"Whatever, dude," Farkle replied as the teacher walked in and called the roll. Lucas just rolled his eyes and slumped down in his chair.

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