Chapter Nine

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Riley was allowed to go home for personal reasons after the teachers found out what was happening. Many didn't believe it, but the rumors were flying hot and heavy, and it was obvious that it was best if Riley went home. The school wanted to ring up Mrs. Matthews, but Riley convinced them that she would be fine. At lunch, Lucas found Smackle and Sarah.

"Where's Riley?" he asked.

"She...went home," Smackle said cautiously. "Lucas, I don't think that's a good idea—"

"She has to know it wasn't me! She's going to think it was me!" Lucas cut her off urgently. Smackle grabbed his arm and shook him hard.

"Leave her alone for the moment; go around tonight, after she's had some rest," Smackle told him. He started to shake his head. "If you go around tonight, she's not going to listen to you! She's mad and upset and feeling betrayed—and even if it wasn't you, you're going to be the first person she blames." Lucas bit his lower lip, seeing where Smackle was coming from. Go around tonight, okay? Give her some time." Lucas shrugged her hand off his arm as he backed away. "Lucas? Lu—"He turned around and walked off. Smackle shrugged. Sarah shrugged as well. They both watched him go, and hoped that he had listened to their advice.

It was past four o'clock when Lucas finally got to Riley's house. There were only a few lights on, and he hoped that he wasn't too late. He dawdled up the door and cautiously knocked on the door. After no one answered for a few minutes, he lifted his hand to knock again, but then the door opened and he finally saw the friendly face of Mrs. Matthews. She raised an eyebrow questionably as she glanced at the clock and then back at Lucas.

"Hi. Can I please talk to Riley?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, sure, she's in her room," she pointed up the stairs. "Can you just let her know that I'm going to bed when you talk to her?" Lucas nodded and walked up the stairs toward her room. The door was shut and he stood outside awkwardly, wondering whether he should just go straight in or knock first. If he knocked, he knew he was most likely to get thrown out before he said anything. But to walk straight in a bit strange felt a bit strange under the circumstances. He finally tapped lightly on the door and then opened it. Riley was laying on her bed, facing away from the door, her body shaking slightly. When the door opened, she looked around, expecting to see her mother. When she saw Lucas, her eyes narrowed. He felt a pang in his heart as he saw how tear-stained her face was, how red-rimmed her eyes were.

"What are you doing here?" she asked calmly, standing up. He closed the door behind him, hoping it would block out their conversation from her mother. "After today, what did you want me to do?! Come here and gloat?!" she yelled, trying to slap him. It hit him across the cheek and he winced. "Huh?" She tried to slap him again but he grabbed her hand.

"It wasn't me!" Lucas yelled back. "I didn't do it!" She went to slap him with her other hand, but he caught that one too, holding her wrists downward.

"No one else knew! Except my friends, and they wouldn't tell! You're the only one!" Tears began falling from her eyes again. "I can't believe I trusted you!" she cried, tears streaming down her face.

"Riley, it wasn't me!" Lucas cried back.

"Of course it was you! You hate me! You hate me!" Riley screamed, trying to get her wrists free. Lucas's eyes burned as he stared down at her.

"Hate you?!" he shouted, his voice rising far above hers. "You think I hate you?! If I hated you, do I really think I would have been worrying about you all? That I would even bother to come around here?!" Riley was still crying, but not as hard. "If I hated you, do you really think I've been waiting so long to do this?!" He pushed his mouth down forcefully on hers. Riley urgently kissed back, her tongue pushing open his mouth and fighting against his tongue. Her eyes locked on his as they parted for a moment, filled the pain, desperation, and slight fear. He sat on the bed next to her, kissing her again. She pushed her fingers under his t-shirt and her nails skimming over his toned back.

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