Chapter Three

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The next day was Wednesday, the day Riley had added as their extra practice day. The baseball team wasn't practicing that day, so they had the whole gym to themselves...or so they thought. Riley had to leave school ten minutes early so she could collect Alice and bring her to practice before it began. When she arrived in the gym carrying Alice she saw Lucas, Farkle, and Zay in the stands, talking to a couple dancers. She muttered something under her breath as she put the carrier with the sleeping Alice in it at the bottom of the stands. Their supervisor came in and gathered the girls in the group. Riley shot her a worried look over her shoulder to where her daughter was. Lucas was looking down at her with a strange expression on his face. She shook her head, and turned her attention back to Mrs. Shepard.

"Okay, girls, your dancing now determines what University you go to!" Mrs. Shepard told her group. "You girls are all wonderful, but we have to be even better than every other dancing squad. Can we do that?"

"Yes!" the girls yelled. Mrs. Shepard nodded.

"Right, and Riley is the right girl to lead you to victory!" she yelled.

"Yeah!" the girls squealed and gave Riley several hugs. She laughed.

"So, start practicing!" Mrs. Shepard yelled. The girls broke up and the teacher left the gym, leaving them to it. Fallingforyou by The 1975 started playing and the girls got into position. Halfway through the third time they played the song, Riley heard Alice start to cry because she had woken up. She bit her lip and kept dancing, hoping it would stop. By the time the song had finished, Maya shot a look across from her. Riley stopped the music and turned to walk over to the stands when the crying stopped. Riley frowned and saw that Lucas was holding Alice in his arms and she had stopped crying. She bit her lip, turned back, and put on the music. The other girls all noticed and began crooning about how sweet he was and how cute they looked together.

Practice went on for another three-quarters of an hour, and as soon as it was finished, the girls all ran over and surrounded Lucas and Alice. Riley held back and watched as they all spoke and laughed loudly. Lucas looked slightly strained, which was a change from his usual, calm self. After several minutes though, the girls all started to leave, until it was just Lucas, Farkle, Riley, Smackle, and Alice left. Zay left as soon as he noticed Maya was gone, and Smackle and Farkle began walking out together.

"Thanks for looking after her," Riley muttered. Lucas looked down at Alice in his arms. He ran a finger across Alice's cheek and the little girl gurgled at the back of her throat. Riley smiled slightly, but it quickly disappeared when he looked up at her.

"She looks just like you," he told her.

"Yeah, well, I'm her sister, genius," Riley replied, taking her daughter from him. Lucas shrugged and blinked quickly, the hardened look returning to his eyes. He turned and nudged Farkle.

"Come on, let's go," he muttered.

"Go? We can't. Zay left," Farkle replied. Smackle's eyes immediately widened and she turned to Farkle, grabbing his arm.

"We can take you!" she squealed. Farkle grinned and his hand slipped casually into hers. Riley's head snapped up from where she was and raised her eyebrows. Smackle gave her a look and glanced sideways at Farkle and Riley rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever, we can take you guys home," Riley mumbled. Soon, they were all in her car. Farkle grinned and whistled thankfully as he saw her car. They all got in, Riley in the driver's seat, Smackle in the passenger's seat, the boys and Alice in the back. Lucas was sitting in the middle, wedged in between the car-seat with Alice and Farkle. Riley could hear Alice gurgling happily and she smiled. After dropping off both Farkle and Smackle. "Where do you live?" she asked shortly.

"Greenwich Village," Lucas replied. He leaned forward and she could feel his breath on her shoulder. "Yeah, right there, turn right, right!" he yelled into her ear.

"Stop backseat driving!" she shouted at him as she pull hard on the wheel and the car spun around and pulled into the street. The car hit the curb and she quickly stopped the car, breathing heavily. She turned around and glared at Lucas. "You can get out now!" He glared back at her, but he picked up his bags and undid his seatbelt. When he didn't move again, Riley turned around again and glared at Lucas, but he wasn't looking at her. He was looking at Alice. Riley directed her eyes to the eighteen-month-old. She asleep and snuffling, and her small fist wrapped around one of Lucas's fingers. Riley's face softened as she looked down at the two, a smile creasing on her face. Lucas gently pried the girl's finger off his own and then got out, without a backward glance. Riley smiled slightly and started the car again, driving off.

"The ride have better got you a date with Farkle, or at least his number," Riley said into her phone as she walked around her room, holding nail-polish. "Because after you two got out, I had to deal with the Arrogance God himself." Smackle laughed on the other end of the phone.

"Do you know how many girls would die to be in your position?" Smackle replied. "And, not quite a date, but I did get his number!" Smackle squealed. Riley shook her head and laughed as she sat down and propped her foot on her desk. "Come on, he's not that bad. Sure, he's a bit up himself, but with girls adoring him from left and right, who wouldn't be?" Riley unscrewed the lid of her nail-polish.

"Whatever," she replied. "Not me!"

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