Chapter Four

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Their first practice was the next day. They had managed to find a power socket and use an extension cord for their music. Coach Martin made a dividing line on the ground and asked everyone to pay attention their own things. The boys and girls both began warming up and everything was going fine. Then the practicing began, and so did their troubles. Riley turned on the music, the one Sarah had recommended and everyone got ready, her at the front, Sarah standing several meters away, watching closely, and the other girls behind Riley. The boys had started their practice hits and balls were bouncing at all angles. Lucas sent a look across at Riley, who was concentrating hard on her steps.

"Stop checking out Matthews," Farkle mumbled in his ear and Lucas punched him on the shoulder. Farkle laughed and pushed him back.

"Boys! Focus!" Coach Martin yelled, shaking his head. "Boys! Come in!" Coach Martin yelled as he noticed their focus was drifting. "Okay, guys. This is important. The season is crucial, you all need to be your best. There will be scouts everywhere," Coach Martin told his team. "So do well in practice, and then you'll do well when it counts!" The boys cheered and separated.

Riley was frowning in concentration. She swung one of her legs around and jumped, spinning around. Lucas raised his eyebrows as she landed perfectly on the ground and continued dancing. It was sort of a mix between hip-hop and ballet and Lucas had to grudgingly admit that they weren't too bad. The song finished and the girls stopped while Sarah put on another CD. Before the music started, Riley glanced at the baseball boys and caught Lucas's eye. She frowned and turned away quickly.

"Friar! Head in the game!" Coach Martin yelled. Lucas quickly pulled him his ball and hit it hard and fast to Zay. Zay caught it and threw it to Charlie Gardner. It wasn't too soon they were all sweating and Lucas and Farkle shed their tops, throwing them onto the stands. It was almost immediately that half the girls on the squad lost concentration, gaping at Lucas and Farkle's well-toned abs and muscles. When the third girl got the wrong step and backed into Maya, Riley groaned out loud and stopped the music.

"Girls! Huddle!" she yelled. The girls all did as she said and came in, but several kept looking over their shoulders at the other half of the gym as Charlie, Zay, and another boy took off their shirts. Riley rolled her eyes. "Look, as much as I know you want to stare at those guys, you go to focus. Stare and flirt after we've got everything perfected, okay?" she smiled slightly. "Besides, you won't be impressing them if you're getting your steps wrong, huh?" the girls giggled.

"This'll impress them, though," Maya said with a grin as she pulled off her shirt, revealing a red bra. The girls all burst out laughing and the baseball team looked across to see what the commotion was about. Their mouths dropped open as they saw Riley shed her top as well. Several other confident girls took off their tops, but the rest left them on, just grinning along with the rest.

"Whoa..." Farkle muttered. "Told you Matthews was hot! Check out that body!" Lucas was, and even though his eyes were wide, he shook his head. "You can have her, I'm after Isadora." Lucas shook his head again.

"No dude, not interested," Lucas said, turning back to the team.

When practice finished, everyone immediately flew to the center stand where talking and laughing erupted. Riley stayed quiet, knowing that she was getting looks from the baseball team for just being in her bra. She wiped the sweat off of her arms and head and took a long drink of water before pulling on a see-through camisole. Davis Ramsey nudged her in the shoulder and grinned.

"You guys got some hot moves," he said with a grin. Riley laughed.

""Yeah, our boyfriends think so too," she replied with a smirk. Davis flushed slightly and then Farkle laughed. "All good, dude," Riley said with a grin and picked up her bag. Smackle suddenly rushed over. "What?" Riley asked.

"It's five," her friend said breathlessly. Her eyes widened.

"Oh, crap!" Riley hissed. She shouldered her bag, yelled 'goodbye' over her shoulder to everyone and sprinted off with Smackle. The other girls on the team didn't seem surprised, but Lucas turned to Maya, who was pulling on her top.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"She had somewhere to be," Maya replied, picking up her bag and shoving her towel inside. "Why are you so interested?" she asked with a cheeky grin. Lucas shook his head.

"I'm not!" Lucas muttered. He picked up his own bag, shouldered it, and walked off with Davis.

Riley pulled up outside the daycare center and yanked on the brake. Smackle watched as her friend jumped out of the silver car and ran up to the front door. She disappeared inside and Smackle leaned back in her seat, taking her phone out of her bag. There was a text message from Maya waiting. Smackle opened it and grinned as she read the message from her blonde friend.

Did R make it on time to save the world?

Smackle texted back.

She just rescuing the princess now.

A reply came quickly.

A's so cute!!!

As if on cue, Riley appeared from the daycare, holding a baby in her arms. Alice had one thumb in her mouth and the other hand was twirling a strand of Riley's long hair around her fingers. Smackle smiled and put her phone away as she leaned across and opened the door for the car. Riley handed Alice to Smackle as she buckled the child-safety seat.

"Hello, hunny! You been a good girl today?" Smackle asked. Alice giggled and played with Smackle's hands. "Huh? You been a good girl?" She nuzzled the little girl's cheek. "You are so cute, mm? So adorable!" Riley laughed and Smackle sent a look in her direction.

"I swear, you make even weirder faces than I do," Riley said as she took Alice from her friend and put her in her safety seat.

"Hey, I may make the voice, but at least I don't make the faces," Smackle replied as Riley got into the seat next to her and put the key in the ignition. Riley gave Smackle a nudge and Smackle nudged her back. Then the two girls burst out laughing.

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