Chapter Eleven

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Riley was in a better mood that afternoon, which was noticed by everyone, including her mother, who knew nothing about what had happened. Alice was laying on her stomach on the ground, failing her arms and legs around and Riley laughed, watching her baby girl gurgle and blow bubbles happily. After dinner and she had bathed Alice, she told her mom she was going out for a little bit.

Topanga nodded and called out after her daughter, "Don't be too long! Alice doesn't go to sleep without a kiss!" Riley nodded and disappeared into the night. She walked quickly, the cold enveloping her. Riley muttered angrily at herself under her breath for not getting a jacket. But as she approached the Friar residence, she forgot all about the cold, and only focused on Lucas. Standing cautiously at the gate, she wondered whether she should call Lucas, or if she should go up and knock on the door. In the end, she didn't need to decide because Lucas saw her out the window and ran outside to meet her.

"Hey babe," he said, his arms surrounding her and holding her close to his chest. "You know you could've just called and I would've come around," he told her. Riley nodded.

"I know," she replied. "But I wanted to see you alone, and Mom would've been standing there the whole time, her big brown eyes meeting his forest greens. "I wanted to say thank you. For everything...with Alice, and the rumor, and...last night," Riley blushed slightly as she said that and Lucas laughed. "Everything, Lucas. Thank you so much," Riley bit her lip and looked at him.

"You're most welcome Matthews," Lucas replied, kissing her softly on the mouth. Riley returned the pressure, a shiver of pleasure running through her spin as he put both hands on her hips. "Now, baby, we got to get you out of the night air before you catch a cold." Riley smiled and kissed him one more time.

"I love you Lucas," Riley said softly. Lucas looked at the small girl and smiled, realizing for a fact that he loved her back. A feeling went through his chest and made it hard for him to breathe. Hearing those small words coming from her made his heartstrings pull and he pulled her back into his arms.

"I love you too, princess," he told her gently.

A/N: Okay, yeah, stupid ending I know, but I started school back up and sort of lost motivation and things. Sorry. As for the identity of Riley's baby daddy, I left that open for interpretation. But please review. Any ideas for another story are welcome. Maybe not a full length story while I'm currently busy with school, but maybe some oneshots will be okay.

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