I Got Drunk and Married an Arrogant Rockstar? You've Got to be Kidding Me!

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I Got Drunk and Married an Arrogant Rockstar? You've got to be kidding me! [1]

* "They say you're really not somebody, until somebody else loves you. Well, I am willing to make somebody, somebody soon." -Ingrid Michaelson

I'll try and make the next chapter longer.



Chapter 1

11:30 A.M

"It'll be the party of the century!" Sierra Miller exclaimed. She hands me, and the rest of the people at my lunch table, a neon pink flyer. The title of the paper says, 'It'll be the party of the century!' I laughed.

Sierra was one of those people that made it really hard to tell who she liked. Sometimes Sierra made fun of me, but sometimes she was actually nice. I couldn't exactly tell if Sierra should be classified as my friend or not.

"Alex Carter will be there," she winks and flips her hair. Sierra could qualify as a model. She was tall and lean, with dark blond hair that was naturally straight and bright brown eyes. I, on the other hand, had wavy dark brown hair and dark green eyes.

Alex Carter? He's the world's hottest guitarist in the world's most famous band. He's also very rude. All the interviews he's done haven't given him a good reputation.

"My dad has people who know Alex's people. He promised me that Alex Carter would be going to my party," Sierra grinned.

"Why would Alex be going to your party? He's probably too busy for it," My best friend Megan said.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. But the only day Alex Carter can come in is tomorrow. Saturday. I'm going need help setting the place up... Maybe you guys could help?"

A chorus of yeses rose up from the other end of the table. Sierra smiled. "If you're coming, just show up tomorrow at exactly ten o'clock in the morning." Sierra sharply turned around and started walking away.

"I'm so going to that party," Abby, another friend, said from across the table.

"Well, I'm not going. You guys can tell me how it works out," I smiled at them.

"Elena, why aren't you going? Do you know how incredible it would be to meet Alex Carter? Alex freaking Carter," Abby repeats.

"Yeah, but Alex is really arrogant. I just don't like him."

"His hotness really makes up for his arrogance, Elena." Abby sighed.

"I could care less about his looks!"

"You're going. I'm going to make you go. Afterall, this party isn't completely about Alex."

"Uh, yeah it is, Abby," Megan said.

"It's a graduation party, Meg! We're only going to be high school seniors for another week. We had the school bash thing already, there are no more tests left in the curriculum, so we can slack off for the next week. The party isn't about Alex Carter. He just happens to be what everyone will be centered around," Abby said.

"Well, Megan, are you going?" I asked.

"I might. Just for the fun of it, and because Alex Carter will be there."


"What, Elena? You never know. Any one of us could possibly have a chance with him. That would be insanely awesome. What's to lose?"

Abby smiled. "Your virginit-"

"Shut up, Abby. You dream too big. You really think Alex Carter will have sex with you?" I asked her.

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