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To everyone and anyone who is reading this, I want you to know. I need you to know that I know.

I know how ugly you feel. How devastatingly sorry you feel for yourself. I know just how bad it hurts. Just how deep those cut marks on your wrists are.

I know that they didn't call you back. I know that you got rejected in an interview for your dream job. I know you failed that test you studied whole night for. I know they left your last text unanswered

I know that somedays, when you look in the mirror, you hate that feeble thing staring back at you. I know how bad your heart aches from all the bruising.

But trust me darling when I tell you this, it'll get better. Not right now, maybe not for a while, but at last, it will. It'll be over and you won't even know it. The scars will still be there, but they won't hurt anymore.

I know that whoever you are, you'll get through this. You'll kill the demon inside you and learn to dance around it's corpse. And maybe some times when it'll rain, it'll all come back to you and  you'll fall apart. But rains always get over.

I know that you may not believe this right now. But maybe one day you'll write a similar tale for someone else like you. And you'll smile while you type it.

I'm not asking you to be strong or to fight for it. I'm not asking you to not give up. But darling, please just be. Stay. Cause I'm here and I know.

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