Chapter XIII

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Note: Dedicated to harleigh_penn for voting and supporting! I really appreciate it!

Note: Dedicated to harleigh_penn for voting and supporting! I really appreciate it!

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Chapter XIII


I could feel eyes watching me. It didn't take a genius to know it was Easton, as he was the only person who could see me.

"So this.... was your room?" he asked, not stepping through the threshold.

"Yeah, most my time I spent here. If I wasn't training or bingeing on the couch, I was found here. My safe heaven." I humorlessly laughed, "My dad use to always say I acted more vampire than a wolf. Being antisocial and all."

(For those who don't know: wolves are social animals.)

He gave a small chuckle, his eyes focused on my childhood stuffed animal. "That's Mr. Right. The most loyal friend in my life."

He gave me an amused look, a small laugh to accompany, "So, you're a loner type girl?"

I gaped at him, my jaw dropping at his insult, "What did you just call me?"

"What? Sensitive subject?" he asks, nonchalantly.

He was pretty distracted taking in the destroyed room to notice me approaching him and when he did, it was too late. He was already on the floor, a grunt of surprise at the sudden fall escaping his soft-looking lips. This attracted immediate attention from the warriors patrolling outside.

Loud, hurried footsteps were heard approaching the room. "Alpha Zeita? Everything alright?" a blonde muscular male asked, too muscular.

"What does he eat?" I questioned out loud, "Steroids?"

This made Easton laugh as he sort of rolled on the floor, making the blonde warrior give him a crazy look.

Soon enough, the Warriors were going to start questioning their Alpha's sanity.


My theory was proven correct that night, as we camped at my fallen pack's territory. We were planning to leave tomorrow, after I visited my parent's graves, of course.

Easton had left to use the bathroom. Fortunately, some houses still remained, sort of. We were in luck, a bathroom on the south of the territory wasn't fully destroyed. At least it was still running.

Throughout the time we had been on the territory, Easton had whispered-talked to me, as his warriors looked at him weirdly. I would have, too. Couldn't he be more discrete?

I was sitting by the small fire the blonde warrior I came to know was named James and his warrior buddy Damon had set up as soon as the sun started setting and the night settled upon us. I watched as warriors trade positions between patrolling and eating. As they eat, they talked, more like gossip.

Another perk of being a ghost, I could ears drop. As soon as Easton had left, they started spilling.

"Alpha Zeita is going nuts," the blonde - James, spoke, taking a bit from one of the rabbits they were able to hunt earlier, the cooked meat made me wants some, but not to the point of hunger.

"No kidding," Damon replied, shaking his head, "He keeps on talking to himself, I'm starting to question if he finally lost it. After all that has happened, I wouldn't be surprised."

"I couldn't imagine being in his position. I don't know what I would do if my Marianne died."

My ears perked up at this. So, someone special to Easton had died recently. But who? And what was Marianne James' mate? Had Easton lost his mate? Could that be who he had lost that night?

"Yeah, when I find my mate, I will guard her with my life and never do anything to harm her."

So, they were talking about mates. Did this mean Easton had lost his mate? Harm? Easton would never harm his mate, would he? He didn't look like the type of Alpha to take people for granted, at least not after losing his mother and father.

"Poor, Easton." James sigh, his shoulder slouched, "His need for revenge has been his downfall. And to think before that night his vengeance was what got us to this power."

Need for vengeance?

"Now, packs are planning against him. They disagree with what he has done. They don't see it as a mistake; but as a backfire to all his recent acts of revenge."

Recent acts of revenge?

"The packs worried for not only his sanity and safety but what about the rest of us?" Damon asked, "what will be of use when they take our Alpha? Who will be there to lead us?"

"Yeah. Easton is strong, but he is just one Alpha. One Alpha against a team of Alphas. The chances are seeming low for Alpha Zeita. I still can't believe he killed his own m-" before he could finish, Easton was back, making the warriors gossiping stop. I don't think he heard their conversation, and if he did, he chose to ignore it.

Who did he kill? Did he lose his mate? A team of Alphas against Easton?

Questions kept piling in my head, with no answers to calm my curiosity.

Good thing I wasn't a cat, or it would already have killed me. Oh, right, heroism took care of that.


xox, Roxana

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xox, Roxana

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