Chapter XIV

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NOTE: Dedicated to @Acheairs for her Tip Book and always commenting her deep thoughts :)

NOTE: Dedicated to @Acheairs for her Tip Book and always commenting her deep thoughts :)

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Chapter XIV


"Are all Alpha's treated like kings?" I asked Easton as he entered his tent, we were getting ready to hit the grass, while his warriors finished discussing the patrolling shifts. Something about group A taking half the night shift, while group B rested. Then vice-versa. It was common for warriors to run on four hours of sleep a day.

"Kings?" he scoffed, settling down on his solid black, sleeping bag, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to be a leader? Being treated like 'kings' is the least we deserve. I've had enough paperwork to last me three lifetimes, I have no idea how I'm still going."

I let out a soft chuckle at this, snuggling into the dark blue sleeping bag Easton had gotten me. Again, this time, the object given to me by Easton, I was able to grab onto. While others, not so much. We had come to a theory that it was because Easton was the only one who could see me. My anchor. Though, I did see some doubt in Easton's eyes.

My mind went back to earlier, as Easton asked one of his warriors, Liam, for an extra sleeping bag. They all snapped their heads to him, giving a crazy look. Then, they turned to give each other glances. The staring didn't last long, as Easton released a threatening growl, making Liam rush to give him an extra bag with no questioning. I felt a bit uneasy. knowing they all thought he was going nuts. Ugh! Nuts. How I hate nuts. Or maybe it was the fact that I was allergic to them.

"Do you think... Does your pack appreciate all you do for them?" I wondered out loud. I knew that being Alpha didn't just mean being the leader and giving orders. More than just nights filled with paperwork. Just like being a warrior wasn't just about being strong and defending. Just as being a warrior meant caring, being brave and having the strength to risk your life for your pack. I didn't know from experience, but I knew being Alpha meant more than those things. From the minute they were born, to the second they died. They were Alphas.

It must be hard.

"I hope so," he whispered, faintly after a minute of silence.

I hummed in response. I hope so, too.


"You know," I started, staring off into my parents' ash-filled graves, "my mom's dead because of me," If I had just listened to my Dad.

"You don't know what you're saying," Easton replied strongly. It was early morning, no later than 8 AM.

I tore my watery eyes from their graves and stared up at him, "If I had-"

"Nothing. It wasn't your fault! You couldn't have done nothing."

I lowered my eyes down, as a tear betrayed me. If I had just left the town when my Dad told me. If I had not given my mother the idea to stay.

I was suddenly pulled out of my dark thoughts as I was grabbed by my arms and into Easton's. He pulled my chin up to look into his green pearls. "If your mother had lived she would have lost your father. You know what happens when one loses their mate? Do you?!"

I shook, as tears pour down my face, I nodded. My hands automatically grabbing onto Easton's dark blue shirt, pulling my head into his chest.

Once a half dies, the other half of one is lost. I would want to see my mother like that. Broken and shattered.

"How did your dad get through it?" I asked after my tears had stopped.

"He didn't," this made me pull my head out of his chest.

I looked up at him questioningly, "Then how-"

"He had me, which gave him a reason to live. But he also had his people. The people he had the oath to protect."

"I would have loved to meet your father," I told him, my hands still attached to his shirt.

He looked me in the eyes with some unknown feeling, "He would have loved to meet you, too."

With that, I smiled. He smiled back. And there we stood, for what felt like an eternity. At least, I wished we had. In silence, a comfortable silence, giving me hope. Of life.

Then, that was ruined by Liam.

"Alpha Easton! We have to get moving if you want to make it to your next stop before sundown."

Easton detached himself from me at the speed of light, accidentally knocking me down.

"Oww," I moaned, getting up and rubbing my bottom.

"Ok, get everything packed," Easton told the warrior, looking at me as in sorry.

With a quick nod, Liam left. From afar, you could hear him giving orders to pick up the tents.

Once alone, I asked Easton the question in mind. "What's the next stop?"

"Licantropia Academy for Lupi," he said, turning from me, starting to walk back to our cars. They must be done packing.

"Huh?" I question, "Are we going on some time of island? I hear Tropica!" as a response, all I got was a laugh.

I huffed turning back to my parents grave, "Why are we going to an Academy?"

Sighting, I took my list out.

To-Do List

1. Make sure Andre will be Okay. Oh, that was why we were visiting an Academy. It was to be Easton was planning to send Andre.

2. Visit my parent's graves. Done! I thought, looking up at my parent's names written on the hard stone.

3. Visit my Pack's Territory. Done! I had gone through most of the territory yesterday, reminiscing over old memories.

4. Blank. Find my Mate. I felt shivers run down my spine just thinking of it.

5. Blank. Get to know Easton. I let out a big smile.

6. Avenge my pack. My smile fell. Somewhy, thinking about this gave me heartache.


Once a half dies,

the other half of one is lost.

Forever to live a life of incompleteness.



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