Louise meets Frazel

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Louise's POV
I am the queen bee of D.C. Academy my Faviorte person to talk (*cough*bully*cough*), Hazel walked past me. I grinned evilly. I wanted to do some 'talkong' today. Me and my minions...I mean frirnds... walked up to her. I motioned them to slam her up against the locker.

"Oh! Look! It is miss little witch girl!" I said is a sugary sweet voice. She just glared back. "Where are your friends, aye? Oh yeah that's right. You don't have any, like you have no parents." Hazel started to look bored. I decided to change that.

"Oh Jimmy!" I called to my 4th boy friend this week. He was on the wrestling team.

He came running and said, "What does my wonderful girlfriend need, Louise?"

"Hazel Levisque is starting to look bored. I need you to change that. My Freinds and I don't wanna break a nail." I told Jimmy, who had an evil gleam in his eye.

"OK. This should be easy. I am a son of Ares, the god of war. I should when this easily," he said. Hazel looked like she was having a hard time trying not to laugh.

He took a swing at Hazel but she caught his fist and slung it back to him. I was a little surprised, but Jimmy was the best fighter in the middle school. Jimmy kept on trying to get a shot at Hazel but that petite, shy little girl blocked each one. This went on for about twenty minutes. Hazel looked even more bored.

After about 5 more minutes I got very bored. Now I'm going to call Jimmy off and verbaly tear her apart.

"Jimmy, leave. I'm going to take care of this one myself since obviously you can't beat up a girl," I snapped at him. He obeyed my command. "You know, no boy will ever like you. You are a useless little shy girl with no friends and..."

"So your saying my girlfriend won't have a boy to love her? Yeah right," said a noise from behind me. I turned around and saw a HAWT guy behind me. I had seen him around the upperschool and knew he turned every girl down because he said he had a girlfriend. I think he is a soft more or a junior.

I smirked. "I don't believe you," I said to them.

"OK. Is this proof enough for you?" Hazel asked as she got up on her tip toes to kiss the boy. I expected him to push away but he kissed back. When they finally pushed apart Hazel jumped on Frank's back, like she had done it a million times.

"Oh and by the way, Louise, if you ever even think about messing with Hazel again you will have me to deal with, and you won't want that," the guy said to me. I still couldn't believe it. Hazel, who is still in middle school, is the boyfriend of one of the hottest guys in school. "Come on Haze. We're going home," Frank said to her.

"Awwww. That's sweet. Your walking her back to her foster family," my minion said to the weird couple.

"Actual we're going to OUR home. Now good evening," Hazel said to us. Frank just smirked. I was astonished. HAZEL LIVES WITH HER BOY FRIEND!

That is how I met Frazel and I haven't messed with her since.

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