Day One and Two

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"A game?" I asked suspiciously.

"Are you familar with the game hide and seek?" A slow grin spreading across his face.

"What happens if I win?" Suspicion coating my words.

"If you win, you can have anything you want. But, if I win... You'll have to stay here on Neverland forever, and be my loyal Lost Girl."

"Anything else?"

"Yes, if you are found, to get away you simply have to defeat your opponents."

"So, that's all?" It was that simple? Arrogant prick.

Peter Pan merely smirked, as if he had won the game already.

"Come on boys! Let's play!"

Suddenly, dozens of boys appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"You're the prey now, try not to get eaten."

He smiled a feral grin.


I smiled. Rule number one that I learned at the assassin's training academy was to never underestimate your opponent.

And this foolish boy... You don't know what you've gotten yourself into.

I turned and ran for the forest. Peter Pan yelled after me.

"Remember, Jade. Three days, and if I've caught you by then... "

"You're mine."

Pfft. Don't worry, Peter. I won't get caught.

Loud shrieks and whoops sounded from the Lost Boys behind me.

The game had begun.

Suddenly,I was surrounded by a dozen Lost Boys. A few of them were snickering.

"A girl..." they laughed. "Pan must be out of his mind. "

"She's not even armed!"

"Bah! Even if she were, what good would a girl be with weapons?"

I smiled sweetly at them. Tsk, tsk, tsk... How very rude .At my smile, some of them laughed even harder.

That was the last thing they saw.

Leaving dead boys in my wake, I quickly fled and searched for a place to hide. Teach them to underestimate me. I took some of their weapons before I left, just in case.

There were a few more attacks later that day, and although I didn't kill them all, (they were children!) I left many unconscious bodies lying on the ground.

Not all the boys underestimated me, I guessed they heard what happened to the first group of boys that did. But they were still no match for me. As the sun sank lower into the sky, I found a place to spend the night.

I shimmied up the tree I found and tried to make myself comfortable. That was impossible,of course. I jerked awake at every single sound.

Sigh... It was going to be a long, long night.

The next day passed by similarly, and I left even more bloodied Lost Boys in my wake. I regretted it of course, for they were only children. They were only following orders, and the only dangerous one here was Pan.

But I did what I had to survive. That's what I do best,don't I? Because I'm Jade Faye.

Demonic Love (Peter Pan/Robbie Kay)Where stories live. Discover now