Peter Pan Never Fails

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Peter Pan's P.O.V.

"What? She's still not found?" The Lost Boys trembled and cowered under my gaze. They've witnessed my wrath before, and they would do anything to avoid it. But I was far from mad. My Lost Girl was far stronger than I thought.

Well, well. It wouldn't do if she wasn't caught by the end of the three days. I guess I would just have to join the hunt.

Oh, this was going to be so much fun.

With a click of my fingers, I vanished into the woods.

Jade's P.O.V.

I heard a crunch and quickly dove behind a bush.

Well, well, well... Look who finally decided to show up. Finally, some real fun. The Lost Boys were just child's play to me. They were good fighters, but not good enough. I was starting to get bored. If I was going to escape Neverland and get my "freedom" back, I damn well would earn it back.

And why not have some fun while I'm at it?

"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." He mocked me in a sing-song voice. "Come on, Jade..." He crooned. "I know you're here..."


How could he know that I was here? Whatever, it was time for me to have my fun.

I called out in the same sing-song voice. "Catch me if you can!!" I took off as fast as my feet could take me.

My years of training took off, I hardly broke a sweat as I jumped over logs, skipped over rocks and ducked under branches so that I wouldn't fall. Neither did Pan it seemed, he hardly seemed winded, all the while maintaining a steady pace behind me.

He was fast, but not fast enough.

Peter Pan, unfortunately, wasn't as graceful. He found himself tripping over rocks and stones. And a flock of birds suddenly decided to relieve themselves on the top of his head. Oops.

"What the hell?" He swore. I chuckled at his reaction. If only he knew...

Soon, the distance between us grew, as similar obstacles blocked his path. Oh, this was too easy.

At long last, night fell. And by next morning,I would be able to leave this damned place.

I yawned and made myself comfortable in the tree of my choosing. I was still basking in my glory when....

I heard a whisper by my ear. "Found you." I nearly fell out of my tree.

"You didn't really think that I wouldn't find you, did you, darling?"

"Because, Peter Pan never fails."

Demonic Love (Peter Pan/Robbie Kay)Where stories live. Discover now