Slaps And Threats

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Shannon pov:
*Slap* I wake up to Ally hovering over me and she just slapped my face. "What was that for?" I ask and she's just laughing at me. "Well you're mom told me to walk you up, so I did," She smiles at me and then slaps me again. "Can you stop doing that!!"I yell and she just walks away with no explanation why she did it again. God damn that hurt. I walk to the mirror and I have a big hand mark on my face, it's so noticeable. I just start getting ready for school and when I finish I go down stairs. "Hi honey, what happened to your face?" My mom asks and I point at ally who is laughing while she eats cereal. "That happened," I say pointing at Ally. "Well Deb, you told me wake her up" she says and continues to eat her food. "Well I didn't know she would do that. Here's some money for tonight, I won't be home all night so that's for your dinner," my mom hands me $50 dollars and heads out of the house. "I'm sorry by the way. I thought it'd be funny but now I feel bad," ally says and I just flip her off. "It's okay but if you do that again I'm never buying you pizza again," I say serious and she get on her knees pleading me not to take away pizza. "Shannon please don't do that. I promise I won't do it again, unless you do something stupid. Just please don't take away my baby," she says dramatically and I just laugh at her stupidity. "Whatever, let's go." I say and we head to school. When we get there, I park my car and we go straight into the building so we can talk to our friends. We walk to the courtyard where they're sitting at our spot and sit next to them. "Hi guys," I say and they turn their attention to us. "So did your guys plan work?" Danny asks and I nod my head yes. "Are you actually going on a date with Cammie?" Rose says and I tell her to be quiet. "Shhh not to loud. No one knows that Cammie is gay. I don't want to rush her so we're taking it slow," I say happy because just the thought of her makes my insides feel all mushy. In a good way. "Shannon, what happened to your face?" Vanessa asks, noticing the hand mark on my cheek. "Well you know I was awaken by a slap this morning by the one and only Ally Hills and then slapped again for no reason," I say and they're all just laughing. For the rest of the morning we just talked until the bell rang. I'm walking to first period, then I felt myself pulled into the girls bathroom and I sack went over my head while my arms were being held behind my back. Then a girl starts talking. "I want you to stay away from Cammie Scott or your gay friends will get hurt too and maybe Cammie," they start beating me up and punching me until I couldn't take it anymore. After they're done they push me into the halls and run away. I try and walk to the nurses office but everywhere hurts so much. I then hear someone yelling my name and it's starts getting softer and softer, once you know it everything went black.

"Mrs. Beveridge your daughter has a broken rib, has a black eye, and she needed to get some stitches on her head and lip. She will be fine but she can't do any physical activities for about three weeks, until her rib heals and the stitches are off," I hear a unfamiliar voice say. "Will she be able to play softball?" I hear my mom ask. "Yes, just not in the time of her healing," the voice says and I slowly open my eyes to see myself in a hospital bed. "Mom?" I say and she runs over to the bed and hugs me. I can tell she's crying so I let her. "What happened Shan?" I explain to her what happened and she doesn't look happy at all. "I'm gonna report this to your school and the police. If they don't find the girls that did this, I swear to god I will hunt those girls down myself," she says and I laugh a little. "Doctor when will I get to go back school?" I ask. "Well first of all I'm Dr. Henry and you can go back on Friday, but if you still feel pain next week," he says and walks out of the room with my X-rays. "Hey mom, did anyone else come?" I ask. "Yeah, all your friends are sitting in the waiting room," she says. "Can I see them?" She nods and walks out of the room to get them. I hear footsteps and see my friends enter the room. They look rough like they've been crying for hours. "So how's it going?" I ask all of them and they look at me mad. "Well it's 1 in the morning and you've been knocked out since 9 this morning. I got a call that you were beat up, I rushed to the hospital, and cried most of the time I was here, how do you think I'm doing?" Ally asks and I just open my arms and she hugs me immediately. " I was so worried you weren't gonna wake up," she cries in my shoulder and everyone just watches. When she pulls away she still looks mad. "Do you know who did this," Rosie asks and I just shake my head no. "So what happened?" Mark asks. "Well I was walking to first period then I was pulled into the girls bathroom and beat up. They also told me to stay away from Cammie or something will happen to you guys," I say and they stare at me speechless. "Well Cammie is with Stevie and she was crying when she found out what happened. She didn't want to come and see you hurt," Ethan says and I just nod. What am I going to do?? I was suppose to take Cammie on a date. "Well you guys should go home it's late," I say kinda tired. They shake their heads no and just start getting comfortable around the room. "We're not leaving you again. If someone is out to get you we're all staying by your side until we find the person," Danny said and sits in a chair in the far corner. "Thanks guys. Well what about school?" I ask. "This is also an excuse for us to skip school," ally says and we all laugh.  I feel myself slowly falling asleep and once again everything goes black.

I wake up 4 hours later to someone rubbing my hand and I look over to see it was Ally. "I'm sorry did I wake you? I can't go sleep and I'm just worried about you," she says and sighs. "I'll be okay ally as long as I have friends like you guys I won't get hurt again," I say. "Just sleep okay. I will be right next to you when you wake up," I say and she nods. Soon after I fall asleep again.

-next morning-
I wake up to everyone still asleep. I really need to pee, so I get up slowly trying not to make loud noises and when I stand up I trip over Mark. I fall to the ground and everyone immediately wakes up while I'm still on the ground. "Sup guys. I was just doing some yoga and then I tripped over Mark," I say and they all look at me tiredly. "Shan don't be stupid, you can't even lift up your leg how can you do yoga?" Ally says and I laugh. "Well I needed to pee but I didn't want to wake you guys so I was trying to be a ninja and once I got out of bed I tripped over mark," I say and they all laugh. "Well that sounds like you and sorry by the way I didn't want to sleep next to Danny because he was snoring so loud so I moved by the bed," Mark says and walks me toward the bathroom. As soon as I'm done the doctor said I could be released today. I get my stuff, sign the papers, and finally leave the hospital.

Okay I don't know what just happened but I wanted to spice it up a little so Shannon got beat up. Sorry...I don't know what to do next but whatever😂 enjoy❤️

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