Ding Dong Ditch

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--After school--
Cammie pov:
This day went better than I thought. I came out to the whole school and I got my girl to forgive me, now I just need to figure out a way to come out to my parents. I'll call Shannon. Ring* ring* ring*
S: Hey Cam, what's up?
C: Well I want to come out to my parents tonight but I need help.
S: Sure, with what?
C: Well can you come over to my apartment so we can talk?
S: I'll be over, just text me your address.
C: Okay bye
S: Bye.
I hang up and send her my address. I look around my apartment and everything thing is on the floor. I rush to make my apartment look decent and fire up some candles to make me look classy. Ding dong* God dammit she's here. I run to the door and I slip on the rug making a loud thud. Jesus that hurt. I open the door and no one was there so I just close it. Ding dong* I hear again and when I open the door no one was there. I swear these kids in my apartment building always do this. Ding dong* "I swear to go you little kids better knock it off or I will..." I open the door and Shannon is standing there with flowers in her hands. "You will what?" She laughs and I gesture her to come in. "I'm sorry I thought you were a little kid playing ding dong ditch on me," I say and she chuckles. "I was the little kid playing ding dong ditch with you. I just couldn't help it, when you hang out with Ally too much you turn into child. I'm sorry though," she says genuinely and hands me the flowers. "What's this for?" I ask just looking at how beautiful these flowers were. "Well since we're talking and you're out now I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me? Again..." She asks and I just stare at her in shock. Why would she go out with me after what I've done? I broke her heart but she still wants to go after me. "Ummm it's okay if you don't want to Cammie, just forget I asked," she adds and I immediately answer back this time. "Yes I want to go on a date with you. It's just that I broke your heart and after all that drama that happened to you, you still want to go out with me?" I say and she looks me in the eyes." Cammie I like you a lot and I know you broke my heart but I don't care. That happens to everyone when they deny themselves that they're gay. I just really want you in my life and I'm not gonna let anyone interfere with that. I don't care if I get beat up multiple times as long as I'm with you nothing could ever go wrong," I look her in the eyes and I feel tears rolling down my face. I go up to her and hug her tightly. "I wish I was as perfect as you," I say and she just hug back tightly. "No need for that. You're the definition of perfect and if you can't see that I'll remind you everyday," Shannon whispers in my ear and I get shivers go through my body. We then let go and plan out how I'm gonna come out to my family.

"You should get a huge cake that's shaped like a closet and you burst out of it. Then you say "I'm coming out of the closet and boom you're gay," Shannon says and I can't help but laugh at her creativity. "Well I'm not against your creativity but that's too much to do. What if I have dinner with them and during dinner I can tell them?" I say and Shannon pouts at me. "Well if you want to go the easy way then I guess we can do that," she crosses her arm and give me a angry look. "Awwwwe look how cute you look," I say and squeeze her cheeks. "Who's the angry Shannon? You are, yes you are." I say in a baby voice and she burst out laughing. "You're dumb. But it was funny. So do you want me to come with you to the dinner or what?" She asks and I just nod yes. "I want you to come because you helped me realize who I am and I want them to see how grateful I am for everything you've done. Okay? I'm just gonna call my mom and say we're coming over for dinner," I say standing up and she hugs me. "I would do anything for you. I love seeing you happy," she says and walks back to the couch as I call my mom.
C: Hey mom I was wondering if I can come over to have dinner with you guy?
M: Of course honey. We haven't had dinner together in like a month.
C: alright mom. Is it okay if I bring a friend?
M: Yes cam your friend could come. It's not Stevie right?
C: Laugh* no mom, it's my new friend Shannon.
M: Okay then because that Stevie of yours is way to honest with my cooking
C: I know Mom I'll see you later, love you.
M: Love you too, bye
C: Bye.
I walk back to Shannon who is now taking a nap on my couch. Well I haven't been gone for more than 10 minutes and she fell asleep, at least she looks cute when she's all curled up in a ball. Should I take a picture? No that would be weird I think to myself. I check the time and it's already 5 in the afternoon. I'm just gonna get ready before I wake her. I take a shower and do my hair. Than after I put on some makeup and a casual outfit. After I'm all done its 630 , I'm gonna wake Shannon. I walk into my living room and she looks so cute, she has her thumb in her mouth and she's hugging a pillow like a bear. God dammit I need to take a picture. I take out my phone and not knowing my flash was on, it took a picture flashing the whole room. Oh shit I thought. I walk over to her and try and wake her. "Shannon wake up its time to go. Shannon," I say and she just turns over. "10 more minutes mom," I laugh and then shake her a little. "I have a dog for you honey," I say and she immediately sits up. "Where!" She yells and then gets scared when she sees me. "Oh I forgot I was here, sorry I actually thought you was my mom," she says and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. "It's fine you look cute when you sleep," I say and she blushes. "Okay can we go to my house real fast so I can change. I've been sweating in this all day" I nod and we use her car instead. When we get to her house she get out of the car, then open my door and walks towards her front door. Her house is so big and when we enter the house my jaw drops. "Your house is beautiful but don't you only live with your mom?" She nods and heads up stairs. I get to her room and it's so nice. Her room is painted white but she had her own art walk that she amazingly draws on. It's so organized and clean. As I'm examining my surroundings I see her walk out of her bathroom looking beautiful as ever. "Okay let's go," she says and exit the room with me following behind. We enter the car and were on our way to my parents house. I'm so nervous for this dinner I keep fidgeting with my fingers. Shannon looks over at me and interlocks our hands and it just some how calms me down. With her by my side, what could go wrong?

Should the parents accept Cammie for who she is or not? Maybe more drama or... I don't know. Hope you enjoy❤️

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