You're Just Not Him

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-continue of last chapter-
Shannon pov:
Well right now I'm at home with my security team(friends) and they're just hanging out down stairs while I talk to Ally. "So have you talk to Cammie yet?" She asks and I just shake my head no. "I can't talk to her. I'm not gonna let anyone hurts you guys. I rather lose my date with Cammie than see you guys get hurt," I say serious and remember that I haven't checked my phone this whole day. When I turn it on my phone exploded with texts from classmates and I see that Cammie texted me a couple of times. I text everyone back that I'm okay and when I see Cammie's contact I just stop. "Ally can you text Cammie that I'm okay," she nods and begins to text her. "She wants to come over," she says and I don't reply. "Well she just wants to see you. She cares Shan and we'll all just be down stairs if something happens," she adds and I tell her it's okay for Cam to come over. "Okay dude it'll be fine. I don't know if you want to tell her what happened but it's all up to you," ally says and heads down stairs to wait. What am I going to do??? I waited 4 years to ask Cammie out and now it's taken away by some jerk that doesn't want us together. Soon after I finish talking to myself I see her standing in front of my room door. I motion her in and she looks terrible, her hair isn't combed, she's in sweatpants, and her makeup is all smeared. She sits at the end of my bed not saying a word or making eye contact. "Cammie can you come here please? I'm fine I just need to explain what happened," she sits next to me and right before she was about to say anything I hug her tightly, when I do she hugs back and starts to cry. Damn why do I make everyone cry? I pull away and start to explain. "So the only reason I got beat up was because they want me to stay away from you and if I don't they'll hurt my friends or maybe you. I don't want to see anyone I care about get hurt so I think we shouldn't see each other anymore. Unless that's not what you want but if we try us out, one of us gonna end up hurt," I say and I feel my heart break. "Well that's why I came over Shannon. I didn't want to date you at all. I knew you had feelings for me and I didn't want to be mean so I just said yes," she says and I feel tears roll down my face. "I'm sorry Shannon but I'm straight. When we kissed I felt nothing. I'm with Jordan now because he's popular and I like everything about him," she adds and gets up. "I'm sorry that you got beat up but this wasn't gonna happen anyways. You're just not him. Bye Shannon," and with that she walks out of my room and leaves. I'm so confused right now. Why did she cry when she came here? Why did she say she liked me? Why would she cry over my accident if she doesn't care? I break down and all my friends enter my room to comfort me. "I can't believe she played me. I can't believe I fell for her. I wasted all that time and effort just to get rejected," I say and they looked at me shocked. "Cammie used you?" Ally asks and I just nod. Ally looks at me with anger like she was about to blow up and I see everyone trying to calm her down. "Can I talk to ally alone you guys?" They just walk out of the room leaving me alone with ally and close the door so it's more private. "Ally I don't want you doing anything to her. She hurt me but I don't want you hurting her. I know you're my best friend but we're not going through this again. You remember the last time this happened? We both almost got killed," I say and she looks at me with a frustrated face. "I'm tired of people hurting you, I'm not gonna do anything I'm just so irritated that she just used you like that," she says and I don't say anything. I have no idea how I'm feeling. Hurt, devastated, afraid, sad, mad, and the list just goes on. "I'm gonna rest ally. Can I just be alone?" She leaves and I just cry into my pillow till I fall asleep.

--Shannon's Dream--
I'm driving late at night with ally and I see a figure standing in the middle of the road. We both get out of the car and I ask her if she was okay, she just nods and comes to me slowly. As she steps forward I recognize who it was. "Stay away!" I yell and move towards my car door but it won't open. Then I see ally run towards the figure and start fighting her. Ally then gets hit over the head with a rock and falls to ground. I'm full of rage now and start beating up the figure till she was knocked out or so I thought she was knocked out. "Ally!!! Please Wake Up! Someone please help!" I yell and once you know it everything went black.

-Next Morning-
"Shannon wake up please," I hear and as I open my eyes slowly my friends are surrounding me. I get up and push them all out of the way to pee. "So guys what happened? Why'd you wake me?" I ask them as they're just sitting down around my room. "Are you serious Shan? You were yelling in your sleep and sweating a lot. You called my name and woke everyone else up. We were worried that someone was trying to hurt you," ally says. "I'm sorry I was having a bad dream. It seemed so realistic, like I was living a bad part of my life all over again," I say and they looked at me worried. "You don't mean the time with her, Do you?" Rose asks and I just tell them it was. "She's gone for good now so we don't have to worry about it happening again," Rosie says. "Yeah you're right. So who's hungry because I'm starving," ally says breaking the awkwardness. "When aren't you hungry?" Danny says and we all laugh and head down stairs.

So that took a weird turn. Kinda creepy but I really don't know what to do. hope you enjoy❤️

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