Why'd You Give Me A Rock?

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--Friday Morning--
Cammie pov:
It's the next day and I haven't talked to Shannon since our little fight in the car. Ugghhhh I don't know what's gotten into her. What did I do? I came out of school with Alyssa. Okay nothing's wrong with that. I stopped to talk with her just about our project we have for science. Still no. Then we said our goodbyes, we hugged, she kissed me on my cheek, and I blushed a little because it came out of nowhere. Then as I turned I seen Shannon waiting at her car with a weird face and I just left it alone and entered the car. Mhmmm I just rethinking what happened.... Shit! It was Alyssa. Shannon was just watching us and the kiss bothered her. No wonder she just stayed outside of the car, Oh my gosh I'm stupid.  I didn't even say anything until we reached my apartment. Damn if someone kissed Shannon on the cheek and they I didn't know this person, I would be mad as hell. Okay it's my fault. I'm gonna apologize. Well I'm gonna buy her some McDonald's before I get to school because who doesn't love McDonald's. I finish getting ready and head out. Once I get Shannon's food I go straight to school and don't see any sign of Shannon. Mhhhhmm maybe she's in the courtyard. I get off my car and into the school. I walk into the courtyard and she's not there. Where is she? I'm gonna text her
C: Hey babe, are you at school?
I get no reply, she didn't even look at it. I really hope she's okay. Okay I need Stevie. I'll call her.
My Boo💋:
C: You at school?
St: Yeah I just got here. Why?
C: Have you seen Shannon?
St: No but ally's not answering or responding to any of my calls and texts.
C: Shannon isn't either. I'm worried.
St: Maybe they'll show up at lunch.
C: Okay. You want McDonald's? I got some for Shan but she isn't here and I don't want it to go to waste.
St: Helllll yeahhh I want some McDonald's. I'm coming.
C: Okay I'll just meet you in front of the school. Byeee.
St: Bye.
After Stevie and I met up I went straight to first period. If Shan doesn't show up to first there's probably something wrong. The bell rings and I watch as everyone enters class but none of them is her. Okay maybe she switched out all of her classes cause she hates me. Really Cammie? It was one little argument. But... Never mind you're right or I'm right okay I need to focus in class. Jesus Christ how do I always end up arguing with myself. The classes go by and I still haven't seen Shannon.

It's lunch now and I'm just waiting for Stevie at our table when I feel someone sit next to me. It's Shannon's friend Vanessa I believe. "Hey" she says. "Hi" I say back awkwardly. "Why are you here all alone? Where's Shan?" She asks very concerned. "I don't know. We got into this argument and I haven't seen her since." I say and she looks confused. "Well I don't really know either. Umm if you need anything just come and talk to me, okay? Or you can sit with us if you want?" She says and stands up. "No it's fine. I'm waiting for my friend but thank you for the offer and talking with me." I say. " No problem. See you around," she says and walks to her group of friends. I see Stevie enter the cafeteria and walk towards me. "Hey. Did you get anything from Shan yet?" She asks. "No did you get anything?" She shakes her head no and looks down in sadness. I'm just looking down at my fingers cause I also feel sad and mad at myself. We sit there for about ten minutes in silence just with our heads down because we don't know what to do. I feel someone sit next to me but I ignore it. "Why do you guys always look sad when you're in the cafeteria?" I hear Shannon voice right next me. "Jesus at least try and fake a smile or something." I then hear ally and I pick my head up so fast looking at them both. "Well hi there beautiful," Shannon says. "Hi" I say confused but happy. "What's wrong?" She asks with a worried face. "Where were you?" I asks and her and ally just laugh. "Well after our fight I went to ally's house and hung out there. We played some games, ate most of the food in her house, and binged watch some tv shows. I don't remember what time we slept but we woke up really late," Shannon says and I just nod my head. She then takes my hands. " I'm sorry by the way for lying to you and not talking to you. I was just overthinking things and it was all my fault," she says and gets a rose from behind her back and hands it to me. "I'm really sorry and I love you so much Cammie," she adds and I feel so guilty. I stand up without saying anything to them and go outside. Dammit trying to make a cute speech to Shan but I can't find a flower. I spot a round rock and I pick it up to examine it. This will have to do. I walk back into the cafeteria and I'm stopped because Alyssa grabs my arm. "Hey Cam. I know you have a girlfriend and all but we can at least have sex without her knowing," she says and comes closer to me. "Get away from me," I slightly push her so she at least three feet away. "Because of you I got into a fight with her. I love my girlfriend so much I would never ever cheat on her. So you stay the fuck away from me and my relationship and find yourself a new science partner because I can't stand seeing how pathetic you are!" I say and walk away to my table. I see All of them in shock. I go up to Shannon and pull her into a long passionate kiss. She kisses back with the same amount of passion and I can feel how much I love her. I pull away and take out the rock. "Shannon it's not your fault at all. I didn't realize Alyssa was bothering you. I know you saw her kiss me on the cheek but that didn't mean anything to me. You're my everything and I love you so so much. I'm really sorry." I say and give her the rock. She just laughs and pulls me into another kiss. "I missed you so much cam. You're my everything," she says as our foreheads are against each other. "Well wasn't that another cute scene from Shacam. Damn you guys make every love movie look depressing. Why can't we have a relationship like that Stevie?" Ally asks making all of us laugh. "Because you're always making fun of me and you refuse to do anything," Stevie answers back. I turn my attention back to Shannon where she's just staring at the rock I gave her. "Why'd you give me a rock?" She says and laughs a little. "Well you made a cute little speech and gave me a rose. I wanted to make mine cute too, so I went outside to find a flower but I couldn't find one so I had to stick with a rock," I say and she hugs me. "I love it." She says and pulls away. "Also what was that all about with Alyssa?" She says. "It was nothing. Just telling her to stay away because I don't want anything coming in way of our relationship," I say and she kisses my cheek. "Well that was the cutest thing I've seen all year besides you," she says. "Umm are you forgetting someone?" Ally says pointing at herself. "Oh right and Stevie." Shan says and ally makes a mad face. "Okay okay ally your cute too." She says and ally face lit up. "Thanks bro. Means a lot coming from a hottie like you," ally says making Shan laugh. "Yes girl. I'm smoking hot," Shannon says and snap her fingers. "Oh I love you so much," I say to myself thinking only I heard it. "I love you more," she says as she leans toward me. "More than anything in the world," she adds.

So this is a cute chapter. Thank you to @merderfe for the idea. Ummm I hope you guys are enjoying this story because I'm gonna do a stally chapter next. Just a little update on their relationship. Okay Byee. Enjoy❤️

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