Chapter 1

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"YOU'RE SERIOUSLY SENDING ME AWAY THIS SUMMER SO YOU CAN EXPLORE AFRICA?" I ask my parents my voice getting higher than I intended for it too. I just don't understand they never have time for me.

"We aren't exploring Madison, we are helping the sick." My Father says with a soft voice. I feel like crying. I'm being sent to a camp about seven hours away from home. An entire different city. I can't. Phoenix is the place I know. None of my friends are being sent away.

"Can't I just stay with Kylie?" I beg them. They shake their heads.

"I'm sorry Love, we already payed for everything." My Mother says. Esmeralda, our Butler walks downstairs with my suitcases.

"You've got to be kidding me! Why Couldn't I of stayed her with everyone? Like Esmeralda or Noah? How come Noah doesn't have to go?" I ask my parents. Clearly I'm the unwanted child. Noah is the prize possession of the family.

Just cause he's accomplished more. It's not my fault he's been in High School three years and I'm starting on his fourth.

"Because Noah is turning 18, in July and you're only 16, your brother will not take care of you." They point out with a bit of a bored tone. I sigh deeply and roll my eyes. I'm glad my parents save lives but the consequences are not that exciting. Like wasting my summer. Out of ever part of the year! They have to ruin my summer.

"Whatever." I say picking up my phone and walking out of the house. Before I do I yell 'going to tell my friends bye'.

It's still not fair.

Trying to calm myself, I begin walking down the sidewalk. Little kids happily playing in the sprinklers. Running around playing games. Blowing bubbles. Having no care in the world. If only I could have that all back. It'd be everything.

"Is that you, Mad's?" Ky yells from a few houses down.

"It's me!" I yell back making a kid jump. Oops. I begin running towards my best friend. Just wait until she hears what I have to go through.

Once we get our hug out of the way. I stubbornly set on the ground pulling her down with me.

"Guess how I'm spending my summer!" I say angrily. She eyes me curiously.

"How? Going back to Canada?" She asks confused. I shake my head.

"Nope! Some stupid Summer Cabin! It'll be full of people I don't know." I reply feeling my blood boil.

"I'm sure it's not that bad." She assures me. I stare at her. Is she serious?

"Your just saying that cause you aren't the one being sent away! I bet your going to Hawaii again aren't you?" I say hands on my hips. It gets a little quiet. Exactly. I'm right as always.

"Just think on the bright side Mad's, maybe you'll find a cute boy?" She says smirking.

"Hopefully." I say laughing back.


"I still cannot believe you're making me go." I tell my Mom as we're close to the stupid camp. I just hate the fact they'd send me to another hellhole of a camp. Not mention without any of my friends. Least they could of done was send my Friends.

Once I begin seeing tons of trees, I feel my head begin to spin. Why so far away from the Town? Why is it no where.

"Mom what if they plan on killing us?" I ask her hoping to get her to change her mind.

"Then I'll have to get a new daughter." She replies. Laughing at my face expression, she speaks.

"Look Maddy, I know you don't wanna be here but your Dad and I already payed for it! So you might as well stop whining and get out to meet new people." She tells me as we come to a stop. My heart falls. Great. Just great.

Cabin Blue ( Brandon Rowland) Where stories live. Discover now