Chapter 2

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I wake up to a loud whistle. I quickly set up as see that my roommate's, Kaity and Leah are already gone. Great. Second day and I'm already behind. Maybe I'll get kicked out.

"Madison! Hurry, you have to eat breakfast then get your swimsuit on." Kaity tells me walking back in grabbing sunscreen. I roll my eyes and stand up, stretching, I look around its bright as hell. How did I not know that it was already morning ?

I make my way towards the small bathroom. I have to brush my teeth or I'll not make it. I look around and spot it beside the mirror. Last time I checked it was by the faucet.

"Uh Madison? You ready?" A voice calls out from the cabin door. Not just any voice. It's Max. Yikes. I hurried brush my teeth and brush my hair. Leaving it natural, I look to the side and see my swimsuit. Thank God for cabin roommates. Slipping the two piece on, I walk out the bathroom door. I grab a sun dress and slip it over my swimsuit adding cute sandals.

"Come on you goof." Max chuckles from the screen door. I give him a small smile and walk out with him.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks. I nod. I mean the beds are really comfy. Along with the quiet kids and no noisy traffic like home.

"That's good, cause today will be tiring!" He smirks and runs to the breakfast table. I shrug. I heard the entire time I'm gonna be here will be hard.

"Hey Madison." A familiar deep voice says. I turn around to face Brandon. He has a small smile on his face.

"Hi Brandon." I smile back grabbing a muffin and apple. What? I'm not that hungry. Besides I don't like eggs. They have a gross texture.

"You ready for today?" He asks casually getting eggs and bacon. I just shrug. I don't know what they have planned.

"You do know we are partners right? A whole day of canoeing and 'fishing'." He says getting us both a glass of orange juice. I look at him chocked on my little bite of muffin.

"W-what?" I asked. He looks at me with concern.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Well let's get our food downed and get out to the lake." He smiles at me again. I nod and walk over to an half empty picnic table. Only a boy with blue eyes and dark hair is setting down. With twins.

"Hi, I'm Madison." I tell them with a smile. The boy with blue eyes looks over at me with confusion.

"Um, I'm Nathan, Nathan Triska." He tells me sticking out his hand. I shake it and turn to the twins.

"I'm Ethan and that's Grayson." The boy says pointing to his brother. All eyes are back on me and I set there awkwardly.

"So you guys all friends?" I ask hoping they'd stop staring at me. Which doesn't happen. But then I noticed that someone else was beside me. Can you guess who? Yup, if you guessed Brandon then congrats you won a cookie.

"Tell them your name." I turn and whisper in his ear. He tenses up then turns to the boys.

"I'm Brandon." He fake smiles over at them and then continues to eat his food. Pig. I mumble.

"Alright guys! It's time to go." Matt says arriving at our table. I groan. I have spend who knows how many hours with Brandon. That doesn't sound much fun if you ask me.

"Let's go love." Brandon tugs my arm. I notice he already our plates away so I slowly get up and follow him.

"Isn't it great? We get to know each other all thanks to our parents." He says proudly grabbing our paddles and canoe. I just ignore it and grab life jackets. Maybe today will pass by fast.

Cabin Blue ( Brandon Rowland) Where stories live. Discover now