Chapter 4

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Today is scavenger Saturday. Why? Only the camp can come up with such dumb things. No offense. I mean I like it here but it's a little childish in my defense. My group of friends have grown and I'll be sad to leave them in two months. Who knows? Maybe I'll never see them again. I just hope that everything goes great.

I started talking to Weston a lot. We hung out until three in the morning and he kinda just made me wanna kiss him. But I couldn't. I've only known him three days. I can't just date someone I've barely known. It'd be weird.

"Hi Maddy!" Weston yells from across the camp. I duck as everyone stares at me before doing their own thing again. Brandon tenses beside me and I ignore it. It's not like it matters. He always is rude when Weston is around.

"Hey Weston." I smile at him. He gives me a quick hug before sitting in front of me. With a plate of food.

"So you know how there's only four people in a group? I was thinking maybe You,Me,Marisa, and Jake can be in a group." He says smiling. I smile back and nod.

"Are you kidding me?" Brandon asks getting up and storming off to wherever he's going.

"So what's his problem?" Weston asks pointing his fork in the direction Brandon just left. I shrug.

Oh wait. I forgot I promised to be in his group. Wow. I feel bad now. But why does he care? Im still nothing.

"Okay, well you ready?" He asks. I nod and my stomach starts to feel a little weird. Weird as in when you have a play to do in front everyone.

"Hey Weston, I'll catch up with you later." I say before running off in a different direction. I have to find out what's wrong with my stomach. Why am I feeling all nervous? I never get nervous around Weston.

I slam open my cabin  door and quickly get inside. It slamming shut behind me.

"Hey." A voice says making me jump. Wth? Why is Brandon in a girls cabin. Does he not know how much trouble he'll be in.

"What are you doing?? You need to get out?!" I say grabbing his arm and shoving him out the door. He only chuckles as I get him about two feet from the door. It's not my fault he plays football and I don't.

"Really Brandon, Go!" I say no longer having the patience to get in trouble. He shakes his head and falls onto the ground. Pulling my arm so I go down with him.

"Brandon, can you please just leave?" I beg.

"Look Madison, I wanna say sorry, okay?" He says quietly. I give him a weird look.

"Sorry for what?" I ask clearly confused. He hasn't done anything has he?

"For judging the other kids, I should have got to know them before making fun of them." He says with a serious tone.

"Yeah you should of, they're all great, and you should give Weston a chance." I say hoping to not get him mad.

"No." He replies looking anywhere but me. I really don't get this kid. He wants to be friends with them but yet he doesn't like them. Why apologize?

"Okay." I say not caring. As long as he doesn't judge them, I'm fine.

"Okay?" He questions. I nod and stand up. Giving him a hand he smiles at me.


Currently I'm stuck with only Brandon. Weston and the others got someone else to be in their group since I took too long. Rude right?

"You know, it's weird how we always end up in a group." Brandon says speaking my thoughts. I nod and look at the piece of paper in my hands. Crumbling it, I toss it into the water.

"Why did you do that?" Brandon questions me. I just shrug and look around us. It's nothing but a beautiful scenery. Oh how I love it here.

"Hey, you got your phone?" I ask getting an idea. He nods and pulls it out to show me. I smile.

"Cool, take a picture of me for Instagram?" I ask. He nods and I look around on where to pose. I then decide on standing on rocky pattern type of ground. I let my cardigan fall to my elbows and I do a yoga type of pose.

"Hey look up at the sky." Brandon suggest. I agree and tilt my head up to look up the beautiful blue with slight white swirling through it.

I hear him say something but I'm far lost in the beauty of the sky. I then fill myself lose balance and almost fall.

"Is it good?" He asks me putting the phone in front of my face.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I smile at him. He only blushes a bit and looks away so I can't see. Haha jokes on him. I already saw his rosy cheeks.

"Maybe we should get back to camp?" He asks me after a moment of silence. I shake my head. No way.

"Really Madison, we got into lots of trouble last time." He says. I giggle.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks with a weird look on his face.

"You? Brandon Rowland care about getting in trouble?" I say with a slight laugh. He rolls his eyes.

"Remember don't judge a book by it's cover." He winks at me. I just shrug at him and decide that's hot. I toss my cardigan to the ground and strip out of my jeans. I take off my necklace and other jewelry. As soon as I'm sure I'm good.

I look at Brandon who has a shocked look and smirk at him.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer."

He closes his mouth and I smile tapping my foot.

"WHAT? ARE? YOU? DOING?" He practically yells. I only ignore him and run off into the water.

There's a rock and I decide on jumping off the rock into the water.

"You do know you're going to get in a lot of trouble right?" He asks me. I nod and smile.

"It's worth it."

He hesitates but strips into only his boxers. Who knew Mr. Popular would be so uptight?

"You know I feel like we're gonna get into big trouble." Brandon says. 

We then hear talking and laughing and both of our head turn towards the direction it's coming from.

"Oh shit." Brandon whispers. I hit him and tell him to shush. Only our luck it's Weston and his group of friends.

"Madison?" Weston asks looking at me then Brandon, who's really close to me. I just look at him.

"Hey you guys wanna join?" Brandon asks cooly. I hold in my breath. Weston is gonna think there is something going on between me and Brandon when there isn't.

"Umm sure." Marisa says stripping out of her clothing and joining us in the water followed by Jake and the other kid. Weston stands still looking at us all.

"Come on Weston, the water is great." I tell him with a warm smile. He then looks back at Brandon before doing what I thought he wouldn't. He actually gets in the water with us.

"Yay! You got in." I say jumping in him and hugging him. Which only causes him to cough.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I say pushing myself off him. He shakes his saying no worries.

That's how I spent my day. Pretty much skinny dipping with strangers that I call friends. (Except they all have on undergarments)


I know this chapter is as long as the others but I kinda ran out of ideas on this chapter.

Anyways Weston and Madison? Or Brandon and Madison?

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