Chapter 9

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I push Weston off me.

"Weston." I say feeling not so good. He looks at me with a surprised looked. I kinda just set there. My head hurt as it feels with so many thoughts. What if someone saw? What if they tell Brandon?

"What happened to you liking my best friend?" I say quickly like an idiot. Really Madison?

"I like her yeah, but Madison I really like you." Weston says scooting closer to me. I stand up and step away from him.

"Weston, I'm sorry." I say before running off and over into my cabin. I open the door and quickly shutting it. I don't even care if I wake up the girls.

It's weird. Weston kissed me. He stole my first kiss. The kiss I was saving for someone I truly loved and would love forever.

But some boy from camp stole my first kiss.

Isn't that just great?


As soon as I open my eyes last nights event come into mind. I try to shake it away but it's still there. I get up with a sigh and grab an outfit.

A pair of sandals, white high waisted shorts and a black crop top is what I change into. Leaving my hair in a wavy mess. I walk outside hoping it's a free day. Which it is knowing it's Friday.

"Hey Madison." Someone yells from behind me. I turn around and Grayson is pretty much in my face. Why? I don't really know but I can find out.

"Hey Grayson, what's up?"
I ask not wanting to talk with anyone. I mean don't get me wrong, I really am happy he's my friend and all. Just don't wanna talk.

"Well, I wanna know if you and Weston are a thing?" He asks with a curious look.

"No, I only think of Weston as a friend, nothing more the only boy I like is..... Yeah no." I say blushing for almost saying I like Brandon. He looks at me with a smirk.

"Who do you like?" He pokes my side. I turn away and look at the ground. I hear him chuckle.

"Come on Madison, tell me who you like! I promise I won't say anything." Grayson begs. He literally is down on one knee begging me. I roll my eyes and let out a sigh.

I lean over and whisper in his ear. "I like Brandon."

Grayson's eyes widen and then there once again is a huge smirk on his face.

"So no Weston?" He asks me.

"No Weston, why?"

"Oh no reason, bye."
He smiles before walking, well running away. That was really weird. He never is weird, oh wait never mind. He's Grayson Dolan. He sure as hell is weird.

"Hey Madison!" Kaity says bringing me out of my thoughts. I look over to see her make her way towards me with a concerned look.

"Hey Kaity, what's up?" I ask her while plopping down at table and eating some grapes.

"Um so I really need to talk to you about last night." She says. I sigh once again. Last night I had to tell her everything since I was the one to wake her up. So now I'm sure I'll never hear the end of this stupid kiss.

"Yeah?" I ask just wanting the conversation to end.

"Brandon knows." She tells me with no expression at all. I look at her and feel my heart drop.

"What do you mean he knows? Did you tell him?"
I ask he getting angry and ready to drop her as a friend. How could she do this to me? I trusted her.

"No I did not tell him, apparently him and Ethan seen you and Weston last night, they were telling Grayson the entire story." She explains. I stand up. Holy shit. That must be why Grayson came to me this morning.

What if he tells Brandon that I like him? Would he? I don't really know him much. I hope he's good at keeping secrets. Because if not. I'll kick him somewhere it hurts.

"You seem you are deep in thought, I'm gonna go." Kaity says getting up. I look at her.

"I told Grayson." I say not explaining anymore.

"What do you mean you told Grayson? Told him what?" She asks pausing in a weird position which makes me giggle a bit.

"I told him I like Brandon, what if he tells Brandon?"

"If he does it'll be a good thing, maybe he'll have the balls to ask you out then." She's unexpectedly. I stare at her is disbelief. She's okay with me being embarrassed? How rude.

I cross my arms. "It won't be okay!" I pout and pull her back down so we can talk more.

"Trust me Madison, it'll be fine." She says rolling her eyes. I stare at her a bit longer. She's not telling me something. I'm not letting her leave till she tells me what she's hiding.

"What are you hiding from me?" I ask with a soft smile giving her puppy dog eyes.

"If I could tell you, I would but I promised I wouldn't." She says not making eye contact with me.

"Kaity your my best friend come on!" I whine wanting to know the secret I'm sure everyone is hiding from me.

"I can't Madison, but hey if this helps it's a good reason." She smiles. I glare at her. I'm
Still gonna pester her about it. I really wanna know the secret. I hate when they keep secrets from me. It makes me feel left out.

"Kaity, if you don't tell me, then I'll unfollow you on all social media and I won't be your friend anymore." I say with an evil smirk. She only laughs.

"Your my friend whether you like it or not." She pats my head like a kid.

"Come on tell me, I won't say anything to anybody! I promise." I say with hand over my heart. Once again she rolls her eyes.

"Ugh fine, you can't say anything at all! You hear me?" I nod and smile accomplishly. I got it. I knew it.

"Really Madison, promise me." She says holding out her pinkie. We cross our pinkies and she takes a deep breath.

"Well Brandon likes you." She says fast but I still hear her.

"What?" I ask not believing her. No way did he like me like I like him.

"Brandon likes you." She repeats slower with a big smile on her face. I feel my heart start to race and I smile.

"Oh my god." I whisper.

*Brandon's pov*

Last night kinda sucked you know. She kissed him and I'm
Sure she enjoyed it.

I'll never be good enough for any girl I like. I'm always the second choice.

"Dude Brandon!" Grayson says jumping on me excitedly and smiling really big. I shove him off and give him an annoyed sigh.

"Yeah?" I ask setting on the bench beside Ethan and Julia. Everyone's attention is on Grayson while he starts to speak about something stupid.

"But anyways, I thought I should tell you that Madison does not like Weston in fact she likes." I cut him off with a angry outburst.

"I don't care who she likes, it'll only bring me down." Before I walk away Grayson says loudly.

"She likes you Brandon." And that's enough to make me end up at her cabin door. With a huge smile on my face.

I can ask her


Aye chapter 10 will be the last chapter. Sorry this fanfic is so short. I didn't intend for it to be but I guess it's okay that it is.

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter.

Vote please :)

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