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Okay, update.

I kinda forgot I was a demon, and Asuramaru had used my emotions to his advantage. Not like abuse or anything- apparently he thrives off of my strong emotions. And used that to turn me into half of what he can turn into instantaneously. The... Effects of that went away after I talked trash to the Ringleader's face and had the ever loving shit beat out of me.
But hey- at least we're leaving in four days. Then it's away from America. For a while, too. Which sucks on it's own. I don't know why I'm talking about leaving the USA being a good thing.

Mika poured more peroxide on my wounds, the pain stinging through me like venom. "This," he said, rubbing Neosporin on the side of my neck, where the worst gash was. "Is why I told you not to get smart with the ringleader a while back."
"Mika knows from personal experience. Who knew you were the reason he had such a smart mouth as a kid." Colette commented, eating a potato chip. She took the bag from Ferid, who had yet noticed the absence of it.
"If he used profanity it was probably from my mom, not me." I said, holding up two hands to convince them of my innocence. When in doubt- blame those not present in the room. Or state.
Mika was rummaging through the first aid kit, giving up and slapping antibacterial wipes on my forehead. "Done, you're cured." He announced,  throwing open the shower curtain. I had showered previously, in order to pre cleanse my wounds or some shit. I don't know anything about caring for injuries. "Now get out and tell your mom about today or something. I need to shower." He shooed me out, throwing one of his shoes in my direction as I left.

"Which one of you bastards took the shampoo and conditioner?!" He shouted. I whistled innocently, kicking my hair products beneath the bunk. "Every man for himself, apparently." Ferid joked.
"Yuuichiro I swear to god-"
"You hid everything in there that's mine yesterday. All's fair in love and war, Mikaela."
He shut up from then on out. I actually took it because he used too much on a daily basis. I mean sure, his hair is probably as soft as a chinchilla, but still, he has his own jasmine scented conditioner and I have my coconut. There is a fine line between it.

We made up afterwards, although Colette seemed disappointed we didn't fight. No idea which personality she was in at that time.

"He's going to do something now that you showed that the experiment was entirely successful. How the hell did you even do that?" Mika asked, staring at me with an interested gaze. He ignored the scenery below, with cars packed together with late night traffic, an occasional honk ringing out.

"Uh... Eh, fuck it, he's wanted me to tell you for a while anyways." I sighed, giving up on creating an excuse. The lies I create to fool Mika rarely work. No point making one now.
"Who." He said, something sinister in his gaze.
"What are you, Jealous?" I teased, poking him. He raised his eyebrows, expression still dead serious. "Holy shit you are." I whispered. Why was he jealous? I rarely leave his side, anyways. Not like I could go off befriending or dating Ferid or anything like that
"No, Mika, I have a voice in my head. The demon I was experimented with." I sighed, amazed he could even possibly be jealous.

"I... I see." He sighed, seemingly in relief.
"Why were you jealous?" I asked, leaning forward to him with a taunting grin.
"None of your concern."
"Tell me."
Mischief flickered in his eyes. Cocking his head to the side, tapping a finger three times to his cheek. Was his intention to look that attractive? Doubt it.
"Only if you tell me why you're so dead set on protecting me despite how much you get hurt in doing so. A different reason besides 'you're my friend.'" He said.
Damn bastard for me cornered.
I always had the urge to protect and save him from his problems, which may be possessive on my part. But he deserved so much more, so much he hadn't received. It was a very small sign that I held affection for him beyond friendship I had left unnoticed.
"Oh, you evil, evil, bastard." I sighed.

"Do it. I have to confirm this shit." Asuramaru seethed. He seemed almost anxious with the way he phrased it. Yearning to figure out the answer to a question I didn't even know. But he was far too stubborn on me helping him figure it out, and on top of that, I owed him for helping me save Mika. "Just.. Just do it, Yuuichiro. I'll explain it to you once I know for certain I'm right." He muttered. Fine. Deep breath, hope you don't fuck up your friendship, and go.

"There may be a... Slight... Chance.. Yeah, slight." I laughed at the fact that the size of slight was an ant compared to the truth. "A very small chance I may... Have a crush on you?" I shrugged, making it seem very unsure.
"You're lying about something." He flicked my forehead. A type of hope was shining in his eyes. God it's hard to say no to those beauties.

"Slight is an understatement. Mika, I'm pretty sure I'm deeply in love with you." I coughed. He exhaled deeply.
"Thank god, I thought you were lying about that." Mika muttered. "No turning back now, I guess." He announced.
"What do you mean no turning ba-" My inquiry was very short lived by the lips being pressed against mine.

Well, shit. Two months into being reunited with Mika and we both ended up kissing.
Why am I not surprised by this?
At all?

"Because he's more protective of you than you were him. Even I was able to tell he loved you."

Shut up and let me have this moment.

He was the first to pull away, uncertainty crossing his gaze. It was shocking- the fact that he was actually a good kisser. And slightly concerning, now that I thought about it. At that time I remembered that was probably his first kiss, but he didn't allow me to say anything on the matter, speaking first.

"The reason I was jealous was the same as what you said. Love. I... Got possessive. I guess. I'll just tell you something else instead. I have a voice in my head too. Well, several, but there's only one that actually exists." He casually mentioned it like it was nothing. "Like yours, she was used in the experiment that must have linked our consciousnesses together. Although I know for a fact the same has not occurred with the others. Especially Lola." I knew what Asuramaru wanted me to ask before he could tell me to.
"What's her name?" I asked curiously, quickly forgetting the kiss, now genuinely interested in the conversation.

He was silent for a long while, before speaking with a clear and precise voice, cutting above the below traffic.

"Her name is Krul Tepes."

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