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Michael and Luke woke the next morning tangled in each other. Luke woke up first, his heart almost beating out of his chest as he looked down, seeing Michael tangled with him.
He ran his fingers through Michael's hair softly, cooing at the way Michael leaned into him like a kitten.

It was barely even 6am but the boys had an interview and Luke knew Ashton would start banging on the door anytime soon, he also knew Michael hated loud noises and would be pissed off for the rest of the day if that's how he got woken up.

So, Luke untangled himself from Michael, mumbling sweet nothings into the boys ear until he woke up.

"Luke?" He whispered, his voice raspy from sleeping and yeah, so maybe Luke was slowly falling in love with Michael and he hated how his heart started beating quickly when Michael said his name.

"You gotta get up, we have an interview." Michael whined at his words, cuddling into the blankets.

"No, let's stay here and cuddle."

"Michael." Luke's voice was stern making him sound like a mum.


"You gotta get up."

"Make me."

Luke picked Michael up, throwing him over his shoulder, ignoring Michael's squealing. "Time for a shower."

"Are you gonna shower with me?"

"Tempting but no."

Luke carried Michael to the bathroom, which was attached to the hotel room. Placing the smaller boy down gently, he grinned.

"Have a shower and I'll give you some kisses before we go."

"Fine." Michael was trying to be grumpy, Luke could tell by the way the older boy was pouting, and how his voice was not his soft usual voice but slightly upset and mad.

And Luke could only smile and shut the door.

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