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"I'm wrapped around your finger," Michael sang softly into the microphone, his voice holding a slight rasp as tears prickled at the corner of his eyes. He played his instrument, glancing over at Luke, but looking away quickly as the song ended.  Michael looked up again, forcing a smile as he looked out at the crowd. He shot the boys' a gentle smile, not meeting the worried eyes that belonged to Calum. 

"Alright so I need a quick break, uhm," Michael's voice broke slightly, looking over the crowd of faces. "I need to calm myself down because I'm feeling overly emo at the moment, you know that song and all. Really fucks with a person." He gave a weak chuckle, looking down at his feet before talking into the microphone again. "I just want you guys to know that you're amazing, and we love you all so much." His voice broke again, as tears began to fall. He turned away from the crowd, shot Luke one last sad look before nodding towards Calum. He walked towards the raven haired lad, leaning towards him a bit. "Continue the next song without me," he mumbled. "I'll be back there for a bit. I need time." With that he turned away and walked off the stage.

Luke kept his eyes on Michael as he walked off the stage, glancing at Calum before looking out at the crowd. "Okay so this next song, is called Amnesia. Sing along if you know the words. "

Calum started his solo. The crowd singing along softly with him.

Michael sat backstage, his head spinning and hands trembling. It hurt. It hurt so fucking much. Nobody knew, nobody cares. He was so stupid, so reckless. He shouldn't have let himself fall in love with Luke. It's his fault. All of this is his fault.

And no one cares, there's no one there.

He felt like fainting, eyes flickering all over the place. Body swaying as his breathing came out in short pants. The crew backstage was calling Michael's name, but got no response. Michael wasn't there. He was fading slowly.

Ashton heard the team shouting Michael's name, and stopped drumming. The other boys slowly stopped their instruments, Ashton listened closely. Frowning as he stood up, quickly walking back stage.

His heart clenched at the sight of Michael. Michael's body was moving rigidly, the whites of his eyes popping out. "What's happening?! What's wrong with him?!" Ashton was shouting, eyes wide as he stared helplessly.

"He's having a seizure, go out there and apologize to everyone but the show is off!" The manager shouted.

Ashton walked out on stage, the other boys looking over at him with worried eyes. He took Calum's microphone, letting out a shaky breath. "Michael is hurt, and unable to continue on with the show." He paused listening to the gasps of the crowd. "Michael has been really stressed lately, not being home all the time and constantly traveling the world and not sleeping enough really messes up a person. And I think that's why Mike needed to go back stage for a bit, to calm down his nerve. Michael is being rushed to the hospital at this very moment. And I really just ask you all to keep him your prayers, and to stay away from the hospital because that's what is stressing Mikey out. You know? All of this is too much for him." He nodded towards the crowd, smiling softly. "We love you all so much and I promise to make up for this." With that he walked off stage with the other members.

~~~At the Hospital~~~

The boys' quickly followed after the paramedics, watching as Michael continued to break out in seizures, the paramedics were shouting things, checking his eyes but getting no response.


Everything stopped. Michael stopped moving.

The doctors were shouting, some of the nurses pushing the boys back, shaking their heads with a sad look as they rushed Michael into a room.

And all Luke, Calum and Ashton could do was wait.

The boys sat in the waiting room, Ashton nervously bouncing his leg as he waited for the news. Calum was resting his head against Ashton's shoulder, sleeping. And Luke, well Luke was texting his 'girlfriend' about what happened to Michael.

"How did this happen?" Ashton questioned for the 10th time.

"Like you said, Ashton," Luke started out harshly. "He's stressed."

And all Ashton could do was roll his eyes and bite back another question. "Your best friend is in the hospital and you're sitting there texting some slut. Nice." Ashton was annoyed, beyond annoyed. He didn't like Arzaylea, not one bit. None of the boys did, actually.  She was just using Luke, everyone could tell. Well everyone except Luke.

But the one thing Ashton didn't like about her, was the fact that Michael always seemed so much more sad than before. And it hurt Ashton to see one of his best friends so sad.

All ever Michael ever wanted was love. He wanted to be cared for, held, he wanted to feel loved. And Luke seemed to make him feel that way, but then suddenly Luke changed.

He wasn't as sweet and kind towards Michael anymore, he was harsh and demanding.

And then it clicked.

This was Luke's fault.

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