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Michael awoke that morning on the bathroom floor, dried blood on his wrist.  He stretched, letting out a quiet sound of approval.

He lifted his head, only to place it back on the floor. His head was pounding, every noise pissing him off. He didn't know why, though, he wasn't drinking.

Or was he?

Michael frowned and sat up, letting the memories of Luke flood through his mind.
That's what it was. Everytime Michael was around Luke he felt drunk, intoxicated with him. That's why you don't fall for your band mates. He thought bitterly as he stood up.  He sighed softly, things were changing, and fast

He stood up, washing his wrist off in the sink, not flinching the slightest bit as he scrubbed at the dried blood.  He was numb, and so very tired of all the lies and goodbyes. He walked out of the bathroom, bumping into somebody. "Oops! I'm sorry!"a female voice exclaimed. 

Michael looked at the girl, frowning when he didn't recognize her. "And you are..?"

"Arzaylea," she said slowly. "Luke's girlfriend." And oh if Michael's heart could've broken more, it would've. 

Michael nodded, a tight smile forming on his lips.  "Nice to know he finally decided on somebody," his eyes wondered over her body, jaw visibly clenching as he noticed how she was wearing Luke's shirt. His eyes hardened as he leaned close to her, smelling sex and regret.  He leaned down and whispered into her ear, "Let's just hope you aren't a slut like the rest."

He pulled away, walking to his room as if nothing happened.  They won't last long, he thought. Luke gets bored of people quickly. And god, did Michael wish Luke was bored of him, because he doesn't know how much longer he's going to deal with Luke constantly loving and leaving him, it wasn't fair.

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