Chapter 1

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Ayano POV

I woke up, dreaming about my Senpai... I recently got a text from Info-chan, and let me tell you, it isn't very good, but I couldn't really care less. I have what I need; I'll give her what she needs.

I did my morning routine and head out to school, and then I saw him. My Senpai...

with another girl

Rage filled me. Who is that orange-haired girl? Wait... she must be Osana-chan.

She'll get her time... but right now I have to hide.

I hid in nearby bushes trying to hear their conversation.

"Why didn't you wait for me!?" Osana-chan said. B-tch why would he wait for a demon like you?

Senpai seemed annoyed, "Well, I also need to go to school on time" he said as calmly as possible.

"Baka! It's not my fault my pigtails are long!" she seemed flustered, "It's a pain to brush! And besides; I didn't ask you to wait for me because I like you or anything!" Osana-chan's blushing, "Your mom told me to give you this!"

She shoved the bento on his torso that Taro almost fell. "Alright alright! Thanks" he took the lunch and put it in his bag.

They finally left. It was just a waste of time; I didn't even find out anything new. I walked on the street and saw something pink on the spot where Senpai was.

It was an envelope! But not just any envelope... it was a Love letter! Who wrote this!?

While I was walking, I opened it... it was addressed to no one. It was a confession letter. And it was written by SENPAI!

Who was he going to confess to!? How did it even get on the street!? Oh wait... It must've fallen out of his bag. It was just a normal love letter; I can't tell who it was supposed to go to. But it doesn't matter now. One thing's for sure, she will never get this letter. I ripped it to pieces and threw it in the nearby trashcan. Guess it wasn't a waste of time after all...

Lunchtime; at the Roof Top

Senpai... he looks so peaceful and all alone... Where is that Osana-chan? I took my phone and tried to take a picture of Senpai's face and sent it to Info-chan...

Crush: ?????

Why is it in question marks?

Lunchtime is almost over, better run.

While I was walking the halls, I bumped someone and hit my head on the wall.

"Ow" I groaned. I just looked at him. He had this headband on his forehead, and black hair.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." He held out his hand, "My name is Budo Masuta. You can call me Budo." he said as he helped me up "What's yours?"

"Ayano Aishi." I said in a monotone voice.

"Are you fine? Do you need to go to the nurse or something?" I just shook my head, "I'm fine" I noticed the red band on his arm and I couldn't help but stare; and he seemed to have notice me.

"I'm the club leader of the Martial Arts club, in case you're wondering." He said trying to break the silence, "If you want, you can check it out."

I nodded and left him. I don't want to be late for class.

Third Person POV

As Ayano left the area, Budo can't help but stare and think about her. He just shrugged off the thoughts and went to class.

It's Over... Isn't it? (yandere Simulator Fanfic) BudoxAyano TaroxAyanoWhere stories live. Discover now