Chapter 4

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Ayano's POV

Well that was a waste of time...


Once class was over, I ran to the science lab to get the poison; I mean, I didn't study chemistry for nothing now, did I?

Crap, I have to eat lunch with Budo-san later, better make it quick.

I head out to the courtyard where Kokona-chan is. That idiot, leaving her food unattended; at least it works as an advantage for me. Just when I was going close to her food, I heard someone shout my name. Argh Budo! I hid the bottle in my pocket (yes I have pockets). Well, I missed my chance. I have to think of something else...

I can't kill anyone if I have him following my back; and if I tell him to get away, he'll be suspicious of me. Gotta think, gotta think... Got it!

I spoke with Kokona-chan yesterday about the "domestic abuse", and she said that her father was just crying because of loansharks, I have no choice but to go to plan B but it's troublesome. It would've been easy to just kill her, but Nooooooo, mr. Heroic just went and blew it.

I went with him to the rooftop, and we started joking around; I guess you can say he's half-forgiven. It's been a long time since I laughed without sounding creepy. It's as if I'm genuinely happy.

The bell rang and we went to class, he still followed me until my classroom.


I did an extra-credit report for Biology. I need to know where to stab someone without accidentally killing them, right? So what I plan is, I'm going to get the tranquilizer and syringe from the Nurse's office. Budo-san is probably gonna follow me around so I gotta get something for him to do. I looked down on my Biology papers... Perfect. Now the only thing I need to worry about is Musume-chan. As much as I hate Kokona-chan, I have to help her. If she has a debt of gratitude, she WILL help me out.

After Class

Show time! But first, I have to return the poison. When I opened the cabinet, I heard someone say, "So, What'cha got there?", I jumped since I didn't hear any footsteps and I thought I was alone, I almost dropped the poison, good thing I saved it.

I looked behind me and it was Budo-san, he looked skeptical and he pointed at the poison, "Uh, explain?". I just took a deep breath and thought of something convincing. "I was supposed to get Potassium Hydroxide but got this by accident. Now don't sneak up on me like that, if that bottle broke, I would have to pay for it." I am a master at this!

"What's it for?" he asked, why so nosy?

"I saw it in the chemistry book but it didn't say what the thing is for; besides, I also wanted to know its molar mass and molecular compound." He's just staring, I doubt he's even listening.

Right I almost forgot!

"Hey Budo-kun, can I ask you a favor?" I asked him, he replied, "Okay?? What is it?"

I held up my Biology papers, "Can you give this to Rino-sensei?" I pointed at the cabinet, "I still have to sort this out"

He accepted and went out.

I watched him go downstairs and went to the opposite staircase; I ran to the nurse's office and grabbed the tranquilizer and syringe. I went outside the school to look for Musume Ronshaku.

There she is, smoking. I approached her and told her that I found something cool.

"Okay! Lead the way!" She replied, I ran to this room I'd like to call the "Kidnapping room"

It's Over... Isn't it? (yandere Simulator Fanfic) BudoxAyano TaroxAyanoWhere stories live. Discover now