Chapter 8

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Ayano's POV

I could just strangle her right now... But  she could be of use... Budo lives nearby, he might see me, my cover would be ruined. I'll let her survive... on one condition. Oh she's still rambling...

"You saved my dad, and now I can finally stop spending my time trying to make money in gross ways! Oh! I just realised I've been rambling this entire time. You said you had something important to tell me, right?" she said.

"Yes. It's about the boy from class 3-2. The boy you have a crush on." I said.

She blushed a little, " know about that...?...what did you want to say about him...?"

I took a deep breath, "...I...I have feelings..for him...I've never felt this way about anyone before...and I can't bear the thought of seeing him...with anyone else...I know that this is a selfish request...but...please...don't take him away from me. Let me try to win his heart." Yeah, Let me win his heart or I'll stab yours.

She had a weird look on her face, like sadness or something "...I...have...really strong feelings for that boy...I don't want to lose him...but...I could never take someone away from you, after everything you've done for me..." She paused. "okay...I'll stay away from him." Good

"Thank you!" I just hope she will keep her promise.

"but..." Oh what now? "'d better take really good care of him...okay?"

I smiled, "Don't worry... I will!" She left the house, and went on her way to school. I still have to fix my bag. 

While I was leaving the house, I just realized... Today is Friday... The deadline... I need to think of something, I need to think of a way to eliminate Osana Najimi. I could just straight up stab her, but, whether I like it or not, she is important to my Senpai. He will be hurt if I kill Osana, and... what if he finds out that it was me? He could never love me... Unless... I'm careful...

I need to go to school now...   

Budo's POV

I just saw Kokona leave Ayano's house. I didn't know they were close. I wonder if Ayano's at the  school already... Probably not, I should probably go and fetch her... But won't  she think I'm creepy? ...........mmm...... probably not,

I was near Ayano's house and she went out. I waved at her when she saw me. She waved back.

I ran to her, "Hi-yah Ayano-chan" I smiled. "Hello" even if her voice was monotone, she seems as if she's thinking about something

"Are you alright?"

She just shrugged and said, "Nothing, I hardly slept last night" Hmmm... I wonder why...

"Homework?" I asked

"Yeah.. That's why"

We just walked to school. Something really seems off about her.

  When we reached the school, we went to our lockers. 

Lunchtime (Ayano's POV)

I need to check on Kokona... Something tells me that she's up to no good. I followed her to the courtyard. Oh nice, my Senpai's there... Wait,  Senpai's here... and Kokona's here... I need to see watch she's up to.

Kokona put her lunch on the bench and hid by the sakura tree. "Oh Taro-kun"She whispered to herself, "You'll never notice how I feel about you." She sighed, "I'm sure Yan-chan will take care of you" Ok good,  she didn't betray me. Now what to do with Osana...

"Ayano-chan!" Budo's calling me. I looked at him. "What" I said coldly, I'm in the middle of thinking here, "What do you need?"

"Uh, I was just wondering if you've already eaten lunch." Budo asked. "I'm not hungry" I replied. I walked out of the scene.

When I reached the hallway, I found Osana going to my Senpai. I've lost all hope, it doesn't matter anymore. I went to the rooftop and watched him.

"Hey Taro!" Osana called him. My eyes turned red out of jealousy and rage. She doesn't deserve him like I do, this isn't right, not at all. "I need you to meet me at the back of the school later, all right?"

"Why?" Senpai asked, "Just do it alright!? Don't be so difficult."

"Alright, alright, sorry" Senpai chuckled a little, "What time should I go? I have club activities later."

"Don't worry, it's at 6:00" Osana replied. Yep, that's it, I need to do something, and quick. I checked the time on my phone ... 1:25... Gotta get to class, Senpai wouldn't love a delinquent now, would he?

(A/N) short chapter ishort ._.  yea

It's Over... Isn't it? (yandere Simulator Fanfic) BudoxAyano TaroxAyanoWhere stories live. Discover now