Chapter 2

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Ayano POV

After Club Activities; by the School Gate

Where is Senpai???

He's usually here at this time... I'm supposed to sta- i mean, observe him.

He probably left already.

"Ayano-chan!" I turned my head; oh it's you...Budo-senpai.

"Are you walking home with anyone today?" he asked.

Argh, what do I say? I'm indifferent towards him... I just met him. He seems suspicious...

"No" I answered.

He suddenly asked me, "Wanna walk home together?" he looks eager.

I replied, "You don't even know where I live" He just grinned and said, "Might as well know, right?"

I just sighed, "Fine... can't get rid of you anyway..."  I mumbled the last part so he wouldn't hear.

Off to home we go. He's weird. What is his deal? We're not even close, and I don't really plan on getting close with him. Other than a Martial Arts teacher, I don't have any use for him. Does he like me? Doubt it; and if he does, I'll probably not care anyway.

"So, are your parents with you?" he asked; of course, I got startled, why does he even want to know? Would it be useful for him? Will it help him in his everyday life? "They're overseas..." I answered.

After a while he grew silent.

I can't take it anymore! I stopped walking as my expression grew dark, "Let me ask you something..." I said, "What do you want with me?"

He seems surprised, "What do you mean?" he asked, don't play dumb with me.

"What is the purpose of this? Why do you talk to me?" I paused for a second for breath, "You just met me, and yet you ask so many questions about me!"

His mouth opened and closed, looking for words to say, then he just smiled, "'Cause I want to be your friend"

"What?" I'm confused... Humans' way of thinking are weird but this particular human is just pushing it. Is this normal? "Why?"

He chuckled softly, "You seemed like you needed a new pal. So I just thought, 'why not?'"

What is this feeling? Why is he like this? I feel anger, and happiness... This is all mixed up... this is all messed up...

"Are you okay?" Budo-senpai asked. I've been staring in blank space for a while now.

I don't know what to say... "Uh... um... I-i n-need a-a minute..." why am I stuttering? I can't take it anymore, I walked and walked away from the situation, pretty fast if I do say so myself.

I didn't even realize that he was running after me. I didn't even realize it was almost night time. I didn't even realize that I'm almost home. I didn't even realize that my cheeks are damp... So these are tears.

I raced towards the front door and went inside, locking the door behind me. I couldn't help but fall on my knees.

Why? How? Who is he?  I know that I am broken... it's normal for me... but why am I like this?

I guess... I'll know it when I know it...

I heard a knock on my door. I peeped through the eye-hole. It was Budo-senpai. Haven't I had enough of him?

I opened the door, "What do you want now?"

Budo-senpai looks sympathetic, "What happened back there? You seemed broken." Dumbass I am broken.

It's Over... Isn't it? (yandere Simulator Fanfic) BudoxAyano TaroxAyanoWhere stories live. Discover now