Chapter 7

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Ayano's POV

3... 2... 1... My alarm clock rang. It's midnight. Time to get the loan shark girl home. While she was sleeping, I put her back inside the instrument case and sneaked outside.

Third Person POV

Under the cover of darkness, Ayano travels to the Ronshaku Loans building and leaves the instrument case outside of the entrance

She returns home, sleeps, and waits for Kokona to arrive

Ayano's POV

She should be here any minute now... Knock Knock! ... She's here.

I got off the couch and opened the door for Kokona. "Hello Ayano-chan" she smiled, I smiled back. I led her into the living room, "Would you want some tea? It's only six in the morning so we don't have to worry about being late for school." she nodded. I went into the kitchen and started boiling a kettle of water. "You have a nice place, Yan-chan!"

"Thanks" I replied.

She looked around, "Where are your parents?"

Where are they? "Overseas" I replied. Just leaving me here alone. It has its advantages though, I can keep people in the basement without anyone noticing a thing.

"So, you take care of yourself?" she paused, "That must be hard" Oh, cut the pity party crap.

I just sighed, "I manage" Well, they did leave me a ton of money for emergencies like food and rent. Kokona took a deep breath, "I want to thank you again for helping my dad. I won't  ask what you did. I'm sure it's something you don't want to talk about." Oh no! I'd love to talk about keeping a fricking teenager in my basement! I can hear the kettle whistling, "I'll just get that."

I went to the kitchen while she's still talking. I can hear her anyway. "... but I hope you gave him what he deserves.. Loan sharks are awful people." I can't find the tea, I'm sure I just placed it here. Aha! I found it. I prepared the tea and placed it on the coffee table.

"I did a bunch of stupid things while I was trying to make money, but my biggest regret was getting Saki involved... I never told her about my father's debt but I did tell her that I needed money fast." Man she just keeps babbling, I could kill her in a second and no one will know. I walked around the living room casually, then I slowly paced towards her...

"She tried to help me out by selling her underwear to some boys outside of school. In the end, she couldn't go through with it, so instead of selling her bra, she through it over the school wall! I wonder if she found it..."

Oh, so that's what happened!

To kill or not?

A/N hello readers! Now it's your decision, to Kill or Not? Comment what you think :3

So here's what I'm gonna do... You guys just pick whichever, and I'll continue the story with the choice with the most comments. If... let's say something happens... I will go back to the last choice or "check point". Let's play the game :3 Mweheheheh

It's Over... Isn't it? (yandere Simulator Fanfic) BudoxAyano TaroxAyanoWhere stories live. Discover now