Chapter 3

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Budo POV

Rooftop; Before class

Ayano-chan was just staring into blank space, or was it she staring at someone. She's really cute--- wait is she blushing? Wow, now she seems really cute! I can't help but stare, I feel my cheeks getting warmer though so I tried striking up a conversation.

"So how have you been?" no response, I doubt she's even listening, then I had a funny idea.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" she's still staring. I wonder... I started naming all the boys I know at Akademi High. No response just a few nods.

I just told her this story about my classmate then she snapped back to reality when I said his name... I wonder if she has a crush on Taro-kun. Then again, it does seem like she's staring at him.

Since she's starting to listen, I just repeat the story.

"Budo-san, I think it's time for class." She said.

I walked with her going to her classroom and waved goodbye. I don't know why. I just felt like it. And besides, I don't want her walking an extra flight of stairs all alone, heheheh. Man, I'm like a protective boyfriend... I think I really like her. I'll just lie low since, I doubt she's gonna like me back.

I walked in my classroom and class began.

I wonder if I should make a move. I mean, she likes someone else. I'm just gonna make a fool of myself. Meh... I think I'll just take my time, and if she's giving hints that she likes me back, I'll confess. That sounds about right.


I went downstairs and started looking for Ayano-chan. Then I saw her by the courtyard; near Kokona-chan, she's holding something in her pocket. I didn't really look into it that much so I just called her.

"Ayano-chan!" she seems surprised, shouldn't have shouted to loud, I went closer to her, "So, where do you want to have lunch?"

"Hmmm" she paused, "How about the rooftop." I nodded, both of us went to the rooftop and sat down at the opposite side of Kuu Dere.

We started talking more, even if it was just random things like her favourite colour or something like that; we even started telling jokes. She has a nice laugh.

"What comes after Bento?" I asked

"What?" she replied while chewing on her tempura.

"Ben-three!" Then she just spat out her food laughing. It was fun until the bell rang.

As usual, I followed her to her classroom and went to mine.

Classtime;  Classroom 3-2

"Hey, Budo-kun." I snapped back to reality, I turned to my side and I saw Taro, "Are you sleeping with your eyes open?"

I noticed that I'm almost drooling, good thing he didn't notice, I casually wiped my mouth and replied, "Thanks for the save; I was just thinking of some... uh... stuff" By stuff, I mean, Ayano-chan.

"Alright, who's the lucky girl?" Taro chuckled softly.

"Heh, I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours" I replied, he just went back to the lecture and ignored me the rest of the time; Looks like I won.

The next few hours of class seemed boring, then when the bell rang, I hurriedly went out to look for Ayano-chan. I saw her by the Science Lab looking at the cabinet of chemicals; she did say she's good at chemistry.

It's Over... Isn't it? (yandere Simulator Fanfic) BudoxAyano TaroxAyanoWhere stories live. Discover now