Chapter 5

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Ayano's POV

Thursday... only have until tomorrow

Last night was tiring. Well, better make that video. But first, I did my daily morning routine.

I went downstairs to meet the blindfolded Musume in the basement.

"Time to speak to daddy..." I said in a singsong voice as I turned on the camera.

She started stuttering, "d-daddy... please... I'm s-scared... I don't wanna die..." I turned it off and transferred it to my phone.

I grabbed the piece of toast and opened the door to a sleeping Budo-san.... wait what? He was sitting on my doorstep. I nudged him with my foot and he snapped back to reality. Turns out he was just staring.

"Uh... Explain?" I said with my arms crossed.

"I-uh... I wanted to walk with you to school and I saw movement in your house so I thought I'd wait for you here" he said, rubbing the back of his head, "And I sat down and got lost in thoughts." he seems embarrassed.

"O...kay?" I still don't know how to feel about this... I'm... touched?

I just brushed it off my mind. While we were walking, I tried to keep a small distance. I'm currently sending the video to the loan shark.

"Who're you texting" Budo-san said, he tried to look at my phone but I closed it.

I just smiled, "Not important" He went back to his position and minded his own business

(Timeskip brought you by Ronshaku Loans)

Before class

I was changing my shoes and saw Kokona approach me. "Yan-chan can I talk to you in private?" I nodded and followed her but kept my guard up since you never really know someone. We went to the rooftop.

"So, what did you want talk about?" I asked.

Kokona looked happy, "I just got a text from my dad, and he said that all of his debts had been wiped clear" she paused, "and I just want to say... thank you thank you thank you!" Then she hugged me... Ugh... we parted, "You're welcome" I smiled in the sincerest way possible.

"Although, I want to know; what did you do?" she asked.

I replied, "I can't tell you"

She stopped for a while, "Ok..." she seemed suspicious, "That's... kind of scary... but it's fine if you don't want to talk about it. I respect your privacy." Kokona smiled, "I am in your debt, if you need something, I'll do it for you! Just say the word!" Then I remembered my plan.

"Well" I said, "There is something..." she looked at me as I continued, "Can you go to my house tomorrow before school? I need to tell you something"

"Alright." she nodded, "One last time... Thank you" she smiled as she walked away.

Which reminds me, I didn't give Musume food this morning... meh, she'll survive.

Time to play Ms. Matchmaker.

I approached Shin and said, "Hey Shin-senpai, I just wanted to say you look lovely today." I smiled. He put his hand at the back of his head, "Oh... Really? That's very nice of you to say..."

"I think you and Oka-senpai would make a nice couple" I said, very encouragingly if I might add.

Shin started blushing, "Oh uh... is it that obvious that I have a crush on her"

I nodded, "And besides, I think she just needs a nudge y'know? "

"How did we end up in this conversation?" Shin asked. sh-t

It's Over... Isn't it? (yandere Simulator Fanfic) BudoxAyano TaroxAyanoWhere stories live. Discover now