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'Landing in two minutes' the pod spoke. I stretch and yawn 'wow what traveling makes you do...sleep for 2 yrs' I thought while waking myself up. What happen on my planet felt like it happen yesterday. I felt my pod began to shake. I look out the one window to see im hitting earths atmosphere

"Oh no a crash landing" I panicked

not to long before I land 'you have reached your destination' the pod spoke again I stepped out to see that I was in a forest. I knew I was lost and I don't know how to sense power energy yet. Soooo that sucks for me. The only thing I could do is walk till I see someone.

I didn't have to take off my armor because on earth,I felt so light. It was incredible.

I decided to walk further into the forest to avoid any thing or creature that lives on this planet. I knew they had to be good because vegeta would have never send me here.

As I was walking deeper into the forest I got dirtyer and vines kept slapping me in my face.
I smelled fish so fish means water. I quickly ran to the water I was starting to get hungry and I was sleepy I didn't even think I just took off my armor and everything under it and jumped in the water I almost immediately dived for a fish. I caught me a big one and I threw it on the ground

"ahhh it feels good relaxing in water" I feel relaxed.

I heard movements and twigs breaking. I ducked under water cautious of my naked body being exposed.

"Hey whose there!?" I yelled out but no answer the sound was coming closer.

"Hey who ever you are don't come any closer" I warned

"Huh? Oh hi i'm goku" it was a boy my age, he had spiky hair that pointed in almost any direction he was wearing a red gi also a pole on his back.

"Hi? I'm Melanie" I said questioning myself if I should trust him but something in my heart told me to

°°°°°Goku P.O.V°°°°°
I woke up at sunrise like I usually do. I made up my bed and said good morning to grandpa,well not him I said hi to the gift he gave me before he died, Then my daily training.

Time flew by and my stomach started growling

"ok tummy what do u feel like eating?" I asked that question more to myself.

"Ooo how about fish" I said out loud.

I used my tail to swing from tree to tree I stopped at a apple tree to take one,I ate it up in the tree with the monkeys, a lion tried to chase after me but I was too quick and it got tired really quickly.

I made it to the pond but someone said "hey who ever you are don't come any closer" I looked up to see a girl or boy I wasn't sure because I never seen anyone else but grandpa.

"Huh? Oh hi I'm goku" I said politely she kindly said hi back and told me her name.

She was really pretty, her hair was down her back and her eyes were purple? I don't think she had any clothes on, purple eyes that's odd

"excuse me goku but can you like turn around while u get dressed please" she asked.

Without saying anything I nodded and turned around. 'Wow she must be a girl.because a boy wouldn't care' I thought.

"Ok you can turn around now" she said kindly and that's what I did wow her clothes are weird.

"Melanie are you a girl" I asked then patted her area.

°°°°°Melanie P.O.V°°°°°
I couldn't think fast enough when goku touched my no no area that my hand thought for me. I balled my hands up in a fist and punched him in the face with all my strength. My face became red I was so mad.


He came back from where I punched him to with him holding his face

"ouch what was that for- uh Melanie your eyes are red are you ok" he asked worriedly.

Gosh he is innocent I don't think he ever seen a girl....wait what? Did he say my eyes are red.

"Its probably because you got me mad. You can't just do that to girl just ask them" I dusted myself off

"Oh and you hit hard for a girl" he rubbed where I punched him again.

"Well hmm ....goku? Can you keep a secret" I told him unsure to trust him but something told me to

"I don't know I never kept one before...where is it?" he asked looking around

I fell on the ground(like in the DBZ when someone says or do something stupid)
And face palmed myself.

"No I have something to tell you but you can't tell no one else" I explained

"Oh yea I can do that" he started to get what I was saying
I walked up close by his ear and said

"I'm from a different planet,a planet called vegeta, but a guy named frieza took over and it exploded one of my best friends,the prince, sent me here to be safe" I said he nodded and under stood

"you don't believe me do you" I said no emotion. He nodded again.

I took my tail from around my waste and showed him. He just stood there in awe

"Melanie! You have a tail....so do I grandpa told me not to show it to anybody cause it might scare them away" he was all excited

"That means we're from the same planet...im so glad in not alone" I said relieved in not alone then my stomach growls and my face turned pink out of embarrassment. Goku just laughed and told me he was fishing because he was hungry himself that's when I showed him my giant fish. So we both decided we were going to split it. We were on our way I guess my new home cause in not leaving him anytime soon

Yay I got an actual chapter done don't forget to vote and comment what you thing and after the 4th chapter it done ill give you the info about Melanie eyes and her emotions

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