Dear younger brother,
When we were younger
I always looked out for you
We saw each other everyday
We shared a bedroom for three years
We moved
We grew apart
But we are still close
We trust each other more than we do older brother
Older brother just doesn't like our presence
We get in fights
But we make up quickly
You are a social butterfly
But I'm the opposite
We're siblings
And we must look out for each other
You might not like my friends
And I don't like yours
We might not see eye to eye on certain things
But at least we make each other smile and laugh every other day
When we don't see each other for long periods of time
I miss you
And you miss me
We both dislike older brother
Of course you have to deal with the beatings
The negativity
The horrible vocabulary older brother chooses to use towards you
I do too, just not as hard younger brother
When we're adults
I hope we're close siblings
You're my favorite sibling
You don't hurt me like older brother does
I am glad to be called your older sister
This is what comes from my mind
PoesíaI wanted to share some poems I wrote, I don't think they're amazing. But you might so if you'd like you can check some of my poems out :3