Chapter 17 | A Quick Destination

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I was washing my face with sink water, trying to focus. All of Nova was in danger, not just north Nova. It's my duty to protect them now. 

There's a sudden knock on the door, and I reach for the knob. I pull it open, and I'm met with Kaylie, and Jones.

We haven't spoken to each other, since she tried to choke all the air out of my lungs. I wasn't sorry for getting mad at her. Or for the screaming. But I am mad I let it get that far, while she was-is grieving. 

She doesn't look at me one ounce, and starts speaking to me.

"Bravada, I'm genuinely sorry for what I said, and attacking you. It's just, your something different, and all I've know is, earth." Her eyes meet mine, and she's holding back something.

"Say it." I answer her, 

She turns to Jones, and he leaves. She then takes a few steps into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry about what I said, what I did, and how jealous I was of you and Evans." She lets out a sigh, and leans against the wall.

"I'm sorry for screaming at you, while you are going through a tough time." This causes her to look at me sharply, then she softens.

"It's just, I thought you did it, because there was this-" What was she talking about?

"What?" I ask her, and she thinks back to the dreadful moment.

"It was this blood, but it was darker, and it spelled out 'For Nova'. I thought it was you." She looks as if she's about to crack from pressure.

"Shimmery? Like a deep red?" She nods her head, and my eyes could pop out of my head.

"Why? Was it some type of alien blood?" She asks me now, trying to change the subject. And I go along with it.

"I think it was, and the only dark red blood I know of is southern." I grab the door and pull it open, walking to where Kyle and Evans were.

"It's the cleanse. It's starting. They're sacrificing themselves, and soon they'll kill all of the North." I stated to the boys on the couch, gaining some concerning looks.

"What cleanse?" Evans asks me, I must have forgotten to tell them about the bond with Kalani!

"Okay, two days ago, I gained this new 'bond' with Kalani, I've been speaking with her since then. She told me of the southerners plans to cleanse Nova. They had already started, but I thought they would take time to continue." I stammered to them and Kyle instantly shot up.

"What kind of cleanse?" He asks, which only leads me to answer him in an even more wired tone.

"The kind where they sacrifice one hundred of themselves, so the rest of them can inhabit the moon." I remarked, and Kyle started pacing.

"The button seems like a good choice right now, doesn't it?" Jones asks me, finally speaking up.

"It could kill them, or save them. And either way, it's a long journey." I whispered to myself, but everyone in the room seemed to catch it.

"So, we take a long journey. How do we get to Nova?" Chris puts a smile on his face, looking to me for the answer.

"It should be on the timer, but we can't just leave now." Kaylie came from the bath room, and sat down next to Jones.

"If we don't leave now, the cleanse will be over. There'll be no one left." Kyle looks over to me before shaking his head and walking out of the apartment.

"We should listen to him, a month over here, could be a year over there." Evans agrees, which made me a little sad.


"B-bravada, yes?"

"How long has it been, since I left?"

"It's been almost a week."


"Yes, why?"

"It, over here on earth. It is going on a month."

"Things are weird on that planet."

I looked over to Evans, who was deep in thought. He wasn't paying attention to Kaylie or Jones or Chris.

"Yes, they are. I will speak to you soon."


"It's been a week, on Nova. So time is slower over there." I tell the group, maybe I had enough time to get back on Nova and save my people.

"The timer only has three days left, before you have to go back." Evans speaks, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Okay, so me and Kyle go back." The words came out of my mouth fast, and I did not think it through.

"That's it? You just go back? How can you do that?" Kaylie says looking between me and Kyle.

"We press the button-" She interrupts me, with her loud voice.

"You can't just leave! After all we've been through!" Now, it's clear she's not just talking about herself.

I look over to Kyle, and then back at her. That was it, this is why she was screaming. Why they had these shared looks. Why she's mad right now. She thinks I'm going to take Kyle and never come back.

I walk up to Kaylie and signal Kyle over. 

"Okay, you two need to talk. Go somewhere- anywhere. Just talk." I nod them over to the door, and they walk out of Evans' home.

I join the rest of the group on the couch, and they all give me a look. Evans shrugs it off and smiles, while Jones and Chris are still up in the air.

It had been more than a few minutes, they surely would have went somewhere in that amount of time. I get up, to open the door to check if they really had left, and there they were.

Kyle was rested up against the wall, hands holding Kaylie's face, and her hands were around his neck. 

Even though, a part of me knew what was going to happen, It is still weird. He's my brother for Castillo sake! And I guess that the group was also curious too, because there was hooting and hollering coming from inside.

I think we might have to bring everyone with us to Nova.

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