The gunshots

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Your coming out of an MCR concert and leaving with your friends. This phsyco maniac comes round the corner in a jeep speeding. The passenger has a gun and shoots at a load of people yelling out "DIE YOU EMO SCUM!"

Your friends managed to escape and find cover but you got shot in the leg and you crash down onto the floor.

Other people ran away too and back to their homes.

Gerard, Frank, Mikey and Ray are also coming out but they use the back exit. Frank hears the gunshots and runs through the venue out into the front exit where the shooting happened. The rest of the guys follow and Mikey chased after the vehicle.

"IS ANYONE HURT?" Ray calls out running through the doors.

There's a lot of blood staining on the streets.

"F*ck!" Frank muttered looking at all the kids lying around on the streets.

Your friends witnessed everything and they came screaming and running to you.

Gerard called the police and a bunch of ambulances.

Frank followed all your friends over to you and he sat beside you putting pressure on your leg. He takes of his jacket and lifts your head up, sliding the jacket under neath resting your head on top then he tears a strip of his shirt off and ties it tight above the gunshot wound.

He tries to comfort you, distract you from everything going on until the ambulances get here.

Mikey arrives back and he and Ray try to see if anyone else survived that was shot at.

Only you did.

They begin counting the bodies and Gerard comes over to your friends and tries to move them away from you so the paramedics can get to you without them blocking their way.

"Frank, they say his/her name is 《insert your name here》!" Gerard yells out asking your friends questions about you.

Frank turns back to you and still presses one hand on your leg. With the other, he points to the night sky.

"Hey, hey - look up. See all those stars? Beutiful right?" His voice is sweet but your loosing a lot of blood.

"Gerard, when did you say paramedics would get here? She's/he's loosing a lot of blood man!" He was stressing out.

"I don't know, 5 minutes?" He called back from a few feet away still with your friends.

Your best friend starts having a panic attack worrying about you. Gerard sits them down against the wall and manages to calm them down.

Mikey takes your friends back to their houses and explains to their parents what's happened at the concert tonight.

Ray whispers something into Frank's ear.

"Oh, holy f*ck, are you serious?" Frank says turning his head up to Ray.

He nodds.

"Hey kid," Frank turns to you again and finishes what he was saying "your so lucky that your okay!" He says brushing your hair from your face.

The ambulances arrive and a team of paramedics follow Gerard over to you running with a stretcher. Frank holds your hand the whole time and runs beside you as they put you in the ambulance.

You blacked out from all the blood you'd lost and if it wasn't for Frank, you wouldn't have made it.

You wake up in the hospital and Frank is there beside you.

Hi, so this is kind of a side project of my fanfic at birth about Gerard and Lyn-z raising Bandit and her life. Please, check it out.

Comment or vote on these scenarios and let me know weather to carry on or give me ideas or just generally say stuff.

⊙be gutless, stay gutless⊙

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