[(A/N will be deleted) Hey everyone it's been a little less than 2 years since my last update. I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry there was just a lot going on in my life and kinda still is. I also just wanted to say thank you for reading, voting and commenting.]
So as you might know there are millions of dishes on this planet so when I thought about what I want to put in this chapter I didn't even know. So here is just a selection of food I could think of. If you want to know what a specific food is called feel free to comment :)
Also if you think I should add something to this chapter just tell me :)Dishes - die Speisen
Breakfast - das Frühstück
Butter - die Butter
Bun - das Brötchen
Bread - das Brot
Toast - der Toast
Cheese - der Käse
Cream Cheese - Frischkäse
Sausage - die Wurst
Jam - die Marmelade
Peanut Butter - die Erdnussbutter
Granola - das Müsli
Cereals - die Cornflakes (english word)
Bacon - der Speck/Bacon
Egg - das Ei
Scrambledegg - Rührei
Pancake - der Pfannkuchen
Lunch - das Mittagessen
Appetizer - die Vorspeise
Soup - die Suppe
Salad - der Salat
(Tell me what to add here I never have appetizer haha)
Main course - die Hauptspeise
Pasta - die Nudeln/Pasta
Rice - der Reis
Potato - die Kartoffel
Lasagna - die Lasagne
Meat - das Fleisch
Steak - das Steak
Pork - das Schweinefleisch
Chicken - das Hühnchen
Turkey - die Pute/ der Truthahn
Duck - die Ente
Beef - Rind(fleisch)
Fish - der Fisch
Sauce - die Soße/Sauce
Vegetable - das Gemüse
Fast food
Pizza - die Pizza
Fries - die Pommes
Burger - der Burger
Sandwich - das Sandwich
Hot dog - der Hotdog
(We basically just use the original name for fast food tbh)
Dessert - der Nachtisch/ das Dessert
Ice Cream - das Eis
Pudding - der Pudding
Cake - der Kuchen
Pie - der Obstkuchen
Fruit salad - der Obstsalat
Sweets/Candy - die Süßigkeiten
Snacks - die SnacksChocolate - die Schokolade
Chocolate bar - die Schokoladentafel (as like a plate), der Schokoriegel (as e.g. Twix)
Gummy bear - die Gummibärchen
Candy - das Bonbon
Cotton Candy - die Zuckerwatte
Candy cane - die Zuckerstange
Cookie - der Keks
Popcorn - das Popcorn
Crisps/Chips - die Chips
Pretzel sticks - die Salzstangen
Comment what you had for breakfast today
Ich habe Müsli gegessen.
I ate Granola.[I know this chapter sucks but I just really wanted to publish it. My mind was completely blank as soon as I tried to write this. I'm always open for suggestions for improvements!]
Learning German
Non-FictionHave you ever wondered how to count in German? Or how Germany's education system works? Well I guess then you're right here! (: #427 in non-fiction