At a Restaurant

451 18 2

(Warning: This chapter is not my best work and I'm always open for feedback how to structure it)

At a Restaurant - Im Restaurant

Eating out - Essen gehen

Table - der Tisch

Chair - der Stuhl

Reservation - die Reservierung

Menu - die Speisekarte

Cutlery - das Besteck

Napkin - die Serviette

Meal - das Essen/ die Mahlzeit

Appetizer - die Vorspeise

Main course - der Hauptgang

Dessert - der Nachtisch/ das Dessert (spoken as the french word Dessert)

Waiter - der Kellner

Waitress - die Kellnerin

Guest - der Gast

Order - Die Bestellung

Tip - das Trinkgeld

(So usually waiters get payed in addition to what they get as a tip which is different in some other places. But an adequate tip is like 10% of what you paid.)

Bill - die Rechnung

A table for x please - Ein Tisch für x bitte

I'd like - Ich hätte gerne

Enjoy! - Guten Appetit!

Cheers! - Prost!

The bill please. - Die Rechnung bitte.

We need a little longer - Wir brauchen noch bisschen.


Kellner: Was kann ich für Sie tun?
Waiter: What can I do for you?

Gast: Ich hätte gerne ein Wasser und eine Pizza.
Guest: I'd like a water and a pizza.

Gast2: Ich möchte das Gleiche.
Guest2: I'll have the same.

[Sooo I was thinking about making a new book as like an addition to this one and I would like to ask you what y'all would think about it.
I have a couple of things in mind so tell me what you want.
- a book with a new conjugated verb like every week (or rather adding verbs in this story?)
- a story or short stories in German for those who want to practice their German (or dialogues?)
- I was also asked to make a book with sentences but I actually ment to add them on here
- any other ideas?]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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