The truth. ---Short Chapter.

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(Bianna's POV)  

Crimson, Trenten and the rest of the Castaways left us at the Black Swans  hide out. It wasn't anything like Alluvulterre  but it would do. The Castaways left soon after something about finding out where Sophie is located in time. It was scary knowing my friend had been kidnapped but even more scary knowing she was lost. 

Mr. Forkle wasn't there but Granite was. He had a gnome show us to our rooms, it was me and Jolie and Dex, Fitz and Keefe in the conjoining room. 

"I'm sorry about your friend." Jolie says quietly.

"Me too. I just wish we knew what happened."  I tell her . 

She's lost because of me you know that, right?" Jolie said.

"What happened?" 

"She came to me one night and saved my life only to have me mess up project Moonlark a couple of years later, I was walking through the lab and I tripped and knocked over the desk where her genetics were being made and we lost years of research. Then the rest of it's a blur like those years didn't happen and suddenly we're at the ball where I meet you lot and here we are."

"I'm not angry at you." I say, "I understand all of this was a mistake, but you do realize that if we want to put history straight you'll have to die." 

As much as I hated to admit it, it was the only way things were going to put right again.

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