Near x Reader: "After what I did, you don't hate me?"

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***(A/n) - This one-shot takes places when the children are around the 15/16 at the Wammy House. For those of you who know, Near and the other kids leave before then due to L's death before this, for the sake of this one-shot, L did not die (Yes, my little cinnamon roll is safe) and the children stay at Wammy's longer.  Another thing, I do not write smut, there are somethings in here that would lead to it, but it doesn't go anywhere. SORRY FOR THE LONG AUTHOR'S NOTE IN THE BEGINNING***

~ Your point of view ~

My room was deadly silent except for the occasional beeps coming from Matt's DS game.

Near sat on the floor in front of my bed, stacking a dice castle. He sat in his typical position, his face was emotionless. He would place exactly thirty dice, then drank from his glass of water before continuing the steps again.

Mello on the other hand, was on the opposite side of the empty room, watching Matt play his game while eating chocolate. Upon finishing a bar, he would claim to throw the wrapper towards the garbage can, but the wrapper was always flung in Near's direction. Causing him to get up and walk around Near, stopping in front of the castle he would raise his foot and pretend to swing it forward, acting as if it would knock all of dice down.

Near would just look up, his face completely still. Mentally roll his eyes, then he would then look back down to his creation and continue what he was doing.

The two of them never got along anymore. When we were younger they were friends, now they can barely tolerate being the same room with each other.

Near doesn't have many friends, if he has one it would be me. That was, if he would consider me a friend.

Mello still hang out with me, even if Near was there. He claimed Matt's game noises get boring after awhile and he wanted other company. Saying that, he is still seated with boy and his game.

But here the four of us sat, the only noise coming from the little speakers of the DS. I watched the three boys be in their own little world.

I looked over at Near as he took a sip from his drink. I now noticed clear glass cup now had a bright yellow lemon wedge on the top, "Near?" I asked, eying the citrus fruit.

He hummed in response, his eyes leaving the dice and slowly made their way towards me. He set the glass down, "Yes, (Y/a/n)?"

"Where did you get that?" I questioned, pointing to mysterious yellow fruit.

"How did that get there?" He mumbled, looked at it in confusion. His facial expression looked different than earlier as he shrugged and raised the glass again, preparing to take another sip.

I leaned closer and that's when I smelled a scent I haven't smelled in years, before I came to Wammy's house. Alcohol. I swatted the drink out of his hands, causing the glass to shatter and the liquid to spread across the floor.

Near didn't notice the glass left his hands, he continued holding it as if it was still there. He tried raising the invisible glass to his lips, when he got nothing he raised his head back, shaking the non-existent cup. He frowned and dropped his hand down.

"I got you this time, Near!" I whipped my around, seeing Mello's eyes watering as he cried of laughter. Matt chuckled before I sent him a glare, causing him to stop and close his electronic.

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