Grayson Allen 3

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I walk into the cafeteria and sit down at the table Luke, Grayson and I usually sit down at. They had classes farther than mine, and it was going to be a while before they get here, so I decided to take out my Chamber of Secrets book and started reading.

Harry Potter along with his friends were about to go the Death day party, when I hear someone call my name. I look up and see Harry Giles. I smile at him and wave.

Harry comes over to my table and sits with me. "Hey Esther."

"Hello Harry, how are you doing today?" I ask as I turn the page of my book and look at him.

"I am good, and you?"

"I am grand, on a roller coaster that only goes up, thank you for asking."

He chuckles and takes out his phone then puts down his backpack as I continue reading. After reading about a paragraph, Harry speaks up again.

"Can I ask you something Esther?"

I glance up, and nod, "Yeah, what's up?" I say as I look back down at my book and keep reading.

"Um, this has to do with you and Grayson."

This catches my attention. I look up at him, push my glasses up on my nose, and close my book. "Okay, what about Grayson and I?"

"Well, what exactly are you guys?"

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Like, what's your relationship? Are you guys brother and sister or are you guys cousins or-"

I start laughing. It was really stupid of me to laugh, I mean he was just curious, but with the way he was looking at me and the way he was so hesitant and embarrassed to ask was just cracking me up, and I couldn't hold it in anymore. It took me a while but I finally composed myself.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you asked like so scared and..." I burst into another fit of laughter.

Harry looks at me like I dropped out of the sky and chuckled alongside me. After a couple of seconds, I stopped laughing when I heard someone clear their throat in front of me. I wipe a couple of tears from my eyes before sitting up, and looking up. Grayson was standing there, his jaw clenched and his glare set on Harry.

"Oh hey Grayson," I say out of breath.

"What's up baby?"

I clear my throat and sit up at his word choice and tone. Grayson comes over and sits to my right, taking my hand in his, lacing our fingers then kissing my cheek, giving Harry a soft glare all the while. I glance over at Harry and see him awkwardly shifting in place.

"So you guys are dating?" He finally asks.

I was going to answer when Grayson did it for me.

"Yup, have been for a year and 5 days." He says, bringing our hands up and pressing the top of mine to his lips.

Harry nods awkwardly, "Congrats."

Everyone stays quiet for a while until Luke gets to the table, way too excited for the tone in the air.

"Hey guys! How's everyone to-" his gaze lands on my hand in Grayson's then he gives an understanding nod. "Oh," he looks over at Harry. "So you know now."

"Yeah, um, I think it's best if I leave." Harry says as he gets up.

"Wait," I say, "Who are you going-"

At that moment Jayson and Frank came into the cafeteria. Harry looks back at us and cocks his head to the guys who just entered. I nodded and Grayson's jaw clenched and his knuckles turned white. Harry nods in Luke's direction before running off behind Jayson and Frank.

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