He cheated ( dani )

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You and ya friend aaliyah (hehe) and mitchyy ( cuz she me girl) wanted you to go to this party. You kept sayin no. You finally agreed when your fiancé Daniel came walking down the stairs. " Babe go it will be fun." He said you look at the girls while they were basicly begging you to go. " fine as long as dani can come." You said looking up at him. "Ofc dani could come" aaliyah said. " if danis coming im inviting kevin." " then I guess im inviting devin. Triple date 😂💀" aaliyah said. All of the us sat in the living room watching scary movies. Kevin and devin cam around 8 when all of us girls were finishing up. While we were on our way down we all got our awes and stares from the boys. We all got in the car. In the beginning of the car ride everyone was talking to someone the aaliyah put on kevs playlist on soundcloud. Everyone was making snaps and vibeing out. When we got to party aaliyah locked all the doors so we couldnt leave. " Aaliyah let us out." Mitchyy said " i am buh i just wanted to say there will be no hoeing around tonight and this one is mainly for tha boys ok" she said to all of us. " you best know i aint cheatin on you bbg " kev said to mitchyy " i cant cheat on you we got it to good." Dev said to aaliyah " i wont cheat on you i love you to much bbg" dani said to me. We kissed our guys and aaliyah let us out we walked in and the whole place smelled like alcohol and weed. It felt like we were at a teenage party.  We found a small area with 5 chairs. Everyone had a seat except dani. I was gonna sit on his lap buh i didnt want to risk us doin sum we shouldnt 💦. I tried to give dani my chair buh he refused and said ill just go get another chair from upstairs.

~~~~~~10 mins later~~~~~~~~

Dani still wasnt back you told everyone you were going to look for him aaliyah even asked to help but i declined cuz devin wanted to dance with her. You go upstairs and see a girl fixing herself up while coming out of the room. You think to yourself " i would feel bad if she was cheatin on someone cuz if she was in there with dani only the lord know what would happen." You keep walking. You look yo to see dani coming out of the same room as the girl but he is zipping up him pants. You stood there for a minute as tears filled your eyes. Dani finally looked up and saw you. You ran downstairs as he followed. Little did he know where you were going you went to the kitchen. As he backed you up into the corner of the counter you move your hand back and feel a knife as he says " look baby its not what it looks like." After he says that you grab the knife and point it at him. " it's not what it looks like dani your my fiancé that just cheated on me and its not what it looks like oh really " you said as aaliyah and mitchy cam to grab the knife and you. Mitchyy took you to the car while aaliyah stayed back

Aaliyahs pov:
I stayed back when mitchyy took y/n to the car because i had to have a little talk with dani. " Really dani we just had this talk. You thought you werent going to get caught well you did. Your the most stupid person rn. Your about to get married in a couple months to the girl everyone though you loved. Your hella shady i thought you were my brother you could have came to her if you wanted to get a quikie in ." I said to him about to go to dev but before i did i slapped the shit out of him. I walked ova to devin and said " im going with y/n okay ill text you when we get to where ever were going to ok. Also talk to dani" He responded with " ok and im not going to sleep till you tell me you made it ok i will stay up all night if i have to ok ill talk to him" I said " ok baby i love you." " i love you more" he said before kissing me i shake my head and go to y/n

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