the job

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"We're out of milk!" Alex yelled from the kitchen.

"Then use almond milk!" Max yelled back walking out of her room.

"I'd rather die of dehydration!"

"Hey guys get in here!" Sam called from the living room, cutting there debate short.

Sam was 15 and had short, sand colored curly hair. He was above average height at 5'9. His eyes were a dark hazel.

Alex was 14 and a half with dark brown, wavy/curly hair to her shoulders and blue eyes but not startlingly so. She was shorter then Sam and 5'6 but still a bit taller then average.

Max was 15 and had short brown hair that she dyed partly, today she had purple. She had light brown eyes and was 5'10, something she always held over Sam's head.

"What's up?" Max said, still in her pj's.

"We got a job." Sam said, looking at his email on the computer.

"Great, when do they want us?" Alex asked.

"Soon as possible." Sam answered.

"Okay, guess I'll have to get dressed then." Max said heading back towards her room.

"Wait, that's not all. It's what the job entitles." Sam continued.

"Which is...?" Max said turning back around.

Sam cleared his throat. "This assignment is one we have not encountered before, your job is to locate and release Bill Cipher from the custody of a "Andrea Hearts"." Sam said reading from the email. "Double the pay." He added.

Max and Alex looked at each other blankly out of shock.

"Cipher? The Bill Cipher?!" Alex said in shock.

"Isn't our job supposed to be to kill demons like him? I mean I think he's our most wanted, definitely top three." Max added.

"That's what it says." Sam replied, motioning to the computer.

"And I don't think I've heard of an 'Andrea Heart', is she a dream demon as well?" Said Alex.

"I would guess." Max answered.

"How are we supposed to do anything against a demon strong enough to kidnap Bill Cipher?" Sam said.

"I don't know but I guess we have to at least try." Alex said.

They nodded in agreement and split up to change and grab any weapons or such they would need.

Their suits were completely black with pockets all over them and a weapons belt.

"This is insane." Max said, grouping in the living room.

"Ready then?" Sam asked.

"Yep." Alex said.

Max took out a portal ball, a small condensed rift inside a ball, and threw it on the ground.

The rift opened and the three jumped in, tumbling into the mindscape.

"Everyone good?" Alex asked getting up.

"Yep." Sam said.

"Clear." Max replied.

They looked around them, taking in the surroundings.

"God, this place gives me a headache." Max said, annoyed.

"Okay we should have landed near-ish wherever Bill is." Sam said.

"And what, exactly, are we looking for?" Max asked.

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