The rescue

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They split up when they entered the mansion, Sam and Max checking the first floor first, Alex and Cynthia doing the second floor.

"So, where are you from?" Alex asked.

"Mm... New Jersey I think. I was given up by my mom so I'm not exactly sure. " Cynthia said though she didn't seem angry about the fact.

"Oh I'm sorry." Alex said.

"Nah don't be."

"The three of us are orphans too." Said Alex.

Cynthia nodded.

They were half way through the floor when they heard Sam over the comms.

"Found them. Fifth room on the left facing the door." Sam said.

"Got it." Alex said as both her and Cynthia made there way quietly down the stairs.

They met up with Max and Sam and peaked in the room. There sat an elegant looking women in a dress and Bill Cipher in a human form tied to a chair. (Like the cover)

Bill smirked liked nothing was wrong but Cynthia noticed the glint of fear in his eyes.

"You know it's so great that you came to visit, now that it's just me." Andrea said.

"My pleasure." Bill said sarcastically.
They backed away.

"I saw some sort of service entrance, I'll go around and see if I can find the other side of that." Cynthia said.

"Okay and that leaves the three of us to a frontal assault." Said Sam.

"Split up when we enter the room, make ourselves a harder target." Max added.

"We don't know what to expect so just make our own safety priority until we know more." Alex said.

They nodded and Cynthia went of to find the service entrance while Alex, Sam, and Max armed themselves. Their swords were made of a special metal that magic couldn't tamper with.

"Found it." Cynthia said. "Ready when you are."

"Okay, ready guys?" Sam said.

Alex and Max nodded.

Sam held up his fingers, counting to three. They ran in simultaneously splitting off to different corners.

"Wha-?" Andrea said.

She stood up and began to shoot purple sparks which they dodged. Bill tried to turn to see what was going on.

Alex jumped toward Andrea swinging her sword which Andrea dodged shooting fire at Alex as she moved pass. Alex was able to block some of the fire with her sword but was still hit.

Suddenly Cynthia appeared behind Andrea and threw glitter in her eyes.

"Agh!" Andrea yelled putting her hands up to her eyes. Sam then ran into Andrea slamming her into the wall.

"Go!" Cynthia yelled.

Max slashed the rope tying Bill and the five of them ran as fast as they could. Cynthia ran slightly behind and they could hear doors slamming but Sam, Max, and Alex were to focused on running to look back.

They ran out the gate and continued to run until they were a good deal away and could see that no one was following them.

Alex, Max, and Sam were breathing heavily leaning their hands on their knees.

"Well well, look who came crawling back." Said Bill.

They turned toward him, confused at first, thinking he was referring to them.

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