Is something wrong?

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~Yoongi's P.O.V~

"Thank you so much hyung!" He smiled an eye smile that wasn't cocky, or cheeky. It was sincere and sweet.

"You don't have to thank me." I said while patting his shoulder.

"Just give the background music a listen and tell me what you think after ok?" I said and smiled.

"Alright I'll do that!" Jimin said happily.

Seeing him so happy like this is really nice. Seeing him smile so genuinely gives off a nice feeling. I gave him the usb so he could listen to the bgm.

I looked at him and my hand was still on his shoulder.


"We're back!" Taehyung said as he bursted through the door with the other members.

"Time to practice!" Kookie said while running to the sound and turning on the music.

I frowned and and took my hand off of his shoulder.

"What were you gonna say?" He looked at me.

"I-I was gonna say that we should start practicing." I said nervously.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

::::::::a few hours later:::::::::::

"Alright we'll be heading to the dorms now" Namjoon said while exiting the practice room.

Most of the members left and as I was about to go, but I felt a small hand hold my wrist.

"Suga hyung?"

"Yea." I said not looking back at Jimin.

"Are you okay?" He said worriedly.

"I'm fine" I said as I shook my wrist and left the building.

~Jimin's P.O.V~

I made him angry again....I thought sadly.

I walked lazily to the dorms. Once I got there I took a quick shower and threw myself onto the bed and grunted. I looked at the nightstand and saw the usb Suga hyung gave me.

He can't be that angry if he gave this to me...I thought as I drifted off to sleep while looking at the usb.

::::::::::next day::::::::::::::

~Jin's P.O.V~

We were all driving to the studio, well I was driving the others to the studio.

I was in the drivers while Namjoon was next to me, and the others were in the back.

It's quieter than usual...I thought as I looked back quickly once we were at a red light.

Yoongi was half asleep and ignoring the others. Others would think that this is the usual, but Yoongi usually joins the conversations and hectic talks the others have.

"Yoongi? Are you alright back there?" I asked him a bit worriedly. I didn't tell the others, but he looked paler than usual.

"I'm fine-oh the light just turned green." He said knowingly changing the subject.

We're roommates you can lie to the others, but not me...I thought and sighed as I kept driving.

Jimin was stealing glances at Yoongi every so often, but would quickly look away.

Did they fight?

~at the studio Jimin's P.O.V~

"Ah, it's been a long day!" He said while stretching.

"Jimin we just got to the practice room." A laughing Maknae stated.

"Yah! Don't disrespect you hyungs!" I said as I walked over to kookie and began tickling him.

I got into a tickle fight with kookie and eventually Taehyung joined as well. We were all laughing until the door slammed. It was Bang Pd.

"Yoongi come with me very quickly" He said as he gestured at Yoongi. All he did was nod and walk out of the room.

Silence filled up the room.

"Alright then we should get started" Namjoon said while clapping his hands together.

:::::::::later that day::::::::::::

~Yoongi's P.O.V~

Bang Pd was so boring while talking, but he was right. I really needed to be focused on this mixtape. I can't be lazy or slack off. Not that I usually do anyway. I sighed and saw Jin in the elevator.

"Hold it for me Jin." I said as I jogged towards the elevator.

He did just that and we both patiently waited.

"So what were you doing?" I asked.

"Getting water for the what did Bang Pd talk to you about?"

"He just told me to stay focused on the mixtape."

"You're doing fine Yoongi, you're a hard worker, so don't stress yourself out."

I looked at him a bit confused.

"Yoongi we're roommates I know you haven't gotten much sleep this past week. It could effect your physical health"

"I know, but-"

"But nothing you deserve more rest than anyone of us right now. Look I'm just worried"

I was gonna answer but the elevator opened. Standing there was Jimin, it looked like he was waiting for Jin.

"We'll talk about it later." I said brushing them both off to the side and walking towards the practice room.

For one second I saw Jimin turn back, but he hesitated.

~Jimin's P.O.V~

I was walking toward the elevator to help Jin with the drinks. As the door opened I saw that Yoongi was talking with Jin.

"We'll talk about it later." He said while ignoring me. I was about to turn around and nag at him, but I didn't.

"Jimin I don't know what happened between you two, but can I ask you a question?" Jin said which made me quickly turn my head to face him. All I did was nod.

"Is it just me or does Yoongi look paler than usual?" He asked.

I haven't noticed....

Chapter two is done! It's pretty slow right now, but I'm trying my best here. I hope you guys liked this chapter and thought it was decent. Well anyways bye bye~

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