Chapter 10- Reggy

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HEY! FJASKDFJAKFJAF ITS BEEN SO LONG!! IM SO SORRY!! I will edit this whole story to attempt to look more professional so edits will come soon. I have decided to at some point get rid of all caps and parenthesis in agreement with xKiraAdamsx. Thank you again btw :)

If you have any objections say them now or forever hold your peace... mwahahaha...

Liz's POV:

"Can we get noms Ziggy?"

I was so hungry I could hear my stomach singing a beautiful, but sad whale song. I rubbed my belly in an attempt to make it be quiet. Ziggy tried to muffle his laughter.

"Sorry babe haha, but we need to get Luke to his bed. I think he's been too hard on himself with his research these days. Maybe I-"

"You killed him! Good job Ziggy."

"Haha! I love your scarcasm!"

You should love all of meh! Why? Because I'm fabulous!

I shook my hair out of my eyes, tilted my head down, and attempted to look sexy at Ziggy with my intense stare. He looked away, but I saw his ears getting red.

It actually worked? Haa!! I totally made you blush Ziggy! What now boi~!

I giggled and turned to star at the poor body lying on the floor.

Poor Luke... I wonder what ails the man... Maybe he just had a bad day? Or a health deficiency? Or maybe a vampire came and sucked out alot of his blood!! Vampires!?! Gasp! He was looking a little pale... Hmm.. I don't see any signs of tooth marks... I wonder if they close up on their own. Wait! There are scars on his fingers! How weird... Ughggghg. I kinda feel guilty but I don't know why... Guilt... Haven't felt that in awhile.. Not since that one time...

I was so lost in thought that when I came back to reality, both Luke and Ziggy were gone.

"Ziggy!! Donde esta mi amor?? Where art thou?!"


"Answer me you fool!!"

The only thing that responded was a mini vacuum robot.

Aww how cute! It's so tiny. Touchy touchy touch.

Right when I touched it, it electricuted me.

Holy cola!! That hurt!

I rubbed my stinging hand and ran to find some sort of water source. I soon found myself in another room with a water source. A fish tank. Perfect. I raced to it and plunged my hand in. I sighed in content. I wiggled my fingers around and felt fish.

Hehehe. It tickles. Fishy!! Fishy!! I love fishies!!

I decided to close my eyes and discover what my fingers will find next. I loved surprises so I thought it was a splendid idea. My fingers made contact with another slimy source.

Are fish ticklish?

I wiggled my fingers against the slimy substance. I felt it wiggle out of my reach. I giggled.

You can't get away fish!

I made grabbing motions. Then I felt it. The pain like needles were piercing my skin.

"Oh my goshiness!! Pain! I'm in pain!! Oh the pain!! Awyywhehiehakdjf!!!"

I opened my eyes and thrust my hand out of the water to see...

A frickin frack moray eel! Noooo wayyy!!!

If it wasn't still attached to my hand, I would totally have squealed with joy. I loved eels. I shook my finger with pain and screeched.

"Hey Mr. Eel! Your awesome and everything but please let go of my finger!"

Hello Ms. Liz. How are you?

I froze.

"D-d-did the eel just talk to me? B-but how? ....Telepathy? Hello Mr. Eel!!"

Jolly morning isn't it Liz?

I stared at the eel with amazement, forgetting about the pain.

It's British too?? It's a magical eel! Magical! Maybe it wants to be friends!! Friendship is magic!

You know I can hear your thoughts as well ducky.

Gasp! You can Mr. Eel? Woah that's totally bogus! Dude! Wow you are the most polite fish I have ever encountered.. And can you not call me ducky? It's kinda... Well I'm not really an aquatic person..

It wiggled.

Har har har. It's all jolly good! And by the way, you may call me Reginald Snufflepox.

I threw my head back and guffawed with great vigor.

Ppffft Haha! Hey Reggy, your last name sounds like a disease.

Thank you I am well aware. But if you call me Reggy then I am able to call you ducky. It's only fair.

I looked up thoughtfully then nodded and winked at Reggy.

True. Ok it's cool Reggy.

Excellent! Now if you don't mind lowering me back in my tank so I don't die that would be wonderful ducky.

Oh! Sorry! Wow, you sure can hold ur breath for a long time.

I dunked him in the water. He let go of my finger and swam around happily.

Thank you dear. I've practiced with Master Luke. Oh! Speak of the devil. I hear him comin- wait! That's not him! Quick play dead!

I dove to the floor and stuck my tongue out.

Ugh my elbow! I keep getting hurt today! Why me?

Too dead ducky! Put the tongue away! It's gross!

I rolled my eyes and closed my mouth with my tongue in its proper place.

Stupid eel....

I heard that ducky.

Yeah yeah sorry Uncle Reggy.

I closed my eyes.

So I've been upgraded to your uncle? I'm honored.

The honor is all mine. Wink wink.

Wink wink.

Wink wink.

Wi- oh this is bloody ridiculous! Let's stop this foolishness at once!

Whatevery you say Uncle Reggy!

Don't give me your sass!

Your face is sassy!

I tried so hard not to laugh out loud. Omg! Lol!!

Your bloody mind is sassy!

Your british accent is sassy!

Your accent is bloody sassy!

Bloody accents!!


I love your face!

After a minute passed of recipricated insults or whatever the heck you wanna call it, I heard footsteps followed by a gasp.


Sorry again it's been so long. I blame school!! :D Vote/comment if you like it :) Thanks for reading!

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