Chapter 23 - The battle of the sleepers

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(Liz's POV)

When I awoke, my joints were sore. I tried to stretch out, but I couldn't move. Fluttering my eyes open, I looked groggily around. When my eyes drifted to the right, they almost fell out my sockets. Laying next to me with his arms tightly around me was Ziggy. He was sleeping with a peaceful smile on his face.

Can't breathe.. *cough cough*

"Liz, stop... I can't eat... anymore.."

Zomg.... He's talking in his sleep... kekeke.

I giggled evilly and whispered, "You gotta do it man. Do it for the smurfs. They are relying on you."

He groaned and said, "Ok, for the surfers."

"Smurfs, honey. Smurfs. Those little blue dudes."

He yelled in a slurred voice, "Today..." takes a deep breath. "I die! For..." He then gargles like a wookie. "smurfs.... babeh!"

I wasn't expecting such a passionate response. I tried not to laugh so I laughed threw my tightly closed lips, which made a farting noise.

"Hark, my dear! We're being attacked by bees!" Ziggy's eyes flew open and sat up so quickly, he banged his head into the ceiling. Dust flew everywhere. I used this confusion to race to the bathroom. When I returned, Ziggy had passed out again.

I checked his head thoroughly and found a bump on his head. I kissed it and dug around in my backpack.

Aha. Found it.

I retrieved a cream of healing made of frankincense and coconut oil.

This'll help with the swelling and make it heal faster.

I dabbed some of the mixture on his head.

"Oh honey. I'm sorry."

I snuggled up next to him and covered us both with a fuzzy blanket, which made me sleepy. I yawned and fell back asleep.

(Ziggy's POV)

I awoke with my head pounding, but I was too warm and comfortable to care. I found myself under a fuzzy blanket with Liz burrowed under, snoring. I laughed to myself.


Feeling content, I drifted back to sleep.

— The next morning —

(Liz's POV)

I sighed with satisfaction at my work. Ziggy is going to have a great day today because his face was a masterpiece. I chuckled as I walked down the stairs to breakfast. It was going to be great when he woke up. I'll have to eat quickly so I can see his face when he sees himself.

Thinking of yesterday's event had me a little peeved and freaked out. It wasn't as though I was surprised that my aunty was still after me. I was just puzzled why she was so adamant with her third party pursuits.

Sitting down with great relish, I was relieved that I was the first one awake. I normally didn't socialize very well. I also wasn't sure what to say if people asked me where I was last night. I need to work out what happened.

I felt a breeze of warm air on my back. Feeling toasty, I smiled at the familiar scent of lemons and turned around. Forgetting my anger from yesterday, I exclaimed with excitement.

"Lemybaby, you are true to your namesake!"

Roarring at my statement with pride and gusto, Lemonhras blew more warm air in my direction. I walked over to the window which he was sticking his head in from and rubbed his magnificent brow. He had glorious eyebrows. Thick and bushy, but not overbearing. Just like every girl's dream.

I heard a cry of rage from the heavens.

Oh no, he woke up without me!

I raced upstairs and the door flew open in front of me. His face looked even fabulous when he had his eyes opened. His mermaid blue scaled eyes looked so magical, my heart raced with excitement. I had found my new halloween look. The fangs on his lips were wiggling with gusto as he shook with fury.





We stared at each other in silence. Me gazing at him with confidence at my new future look and him at me with a still-sleepy-anger-face. I broke the silence.

"Sup, my dear merman?"

"I had a dream about smurfs serfing. It was terrifyingly amazing."

I grinned.

Well, this turned out well. I should talk to him in his sleep more often.

"But I woke up to a smurf drawing on me."

Hehe. I was testing a cosplay idea to be one of the blue man group. Should I tell him?

I played along with his imagination.

"That's great Ziggy. You made a new friend. Anyhow, you look fabulously manly today."

"Yea, I guess."

He checked himself out in the mirror and did a dramatic pose. He exclaimed in a sassy voice.

"Paint me like one of your Frenchies."

I let out a mighty guffaw and waggled my eyebrows.

"Attack of the smurf!"

I jump hugged him and we almost fell down the stairs. I my heart dropped with startlement and fright.

"Oh, my poor heart!"

I turned to see the last person (being?) I expected.

"Uncle Reggy!"

"Hello my dear. Is this fellow giving you trouble?"

Ziggy grimaced and eyed Reggy with contempt.

My worlds are colliding. How interesting.

"What brings you here, Uncle Reggy?"

"Tis a terrible tale, my lady. You are being trailed by miscreants!"

Uncle Reggy was now flying across the room with great vigor.

"Yes, I know. I saw them yesterday."

Uncle Reggy skidded to a halt and his eel mouth dropped with horror.

"Gasp! Why didn't you say so?"

I giggled at his reaction.

"I wasn't asked."

Uncle Reggy swirled in circles above my head. His electric yellow form made me dizzy and I fell backwards. Reggy wiggled his nostrils and I floated gently to the floor.

"By jove girl, you are a brave one aren't you."

I laughed with hesitation.

"Hehe yeah... not really. I didn't really know what to do so I escaped."

"Understandable my dear. But now that you have me, we can come up with a jolly good plan to kick their butts."

Ziggy chimed in.

"You have me too! It is kick ass-ery time!"

We high fived and I let out a mighty cry of let's-do-this-everyone.

"Indeed! To the attic of plan think-ery!"

Reggy morphed into his human form and a staff materialized, which startled Ziggy into a stone-like state. Ignoring Ziggy, Reggy stamped his staff and shouted.

"We need to food eat-ery!"

I fist-pumped and hopped with joy.

"Good idea-ery! Let's march-ery! To the kitchen-ery!"

We ate like the kings and queens we were and launched like rockets to the attic.

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